
  • Google has been adding its own logo to the Gboard keyboard on Android phones, and the results are not pretty.谷歌把自己的logo加到了安卓手机的谷歌键盘上,结果不尽人意。As 9to5Goo...

  • Air pollution from nitrogen dioxide has fallen by an estimated 40% in three European cities, according to new satellite data released by the European ...

  • 本周一,美国原油期货---西得克萨斯中间基原油(WTI)价格史无前例地跌至负值,这意味着石油贸易史上首次出现卖方必须向买方支付购买原油期货费用的情况。The price of US oil has turned negative for the first time in history.美国原油期...

  • 疫情期间,很多人在家储存了大量的酒,美国的酒精饮料销量在一周内就上升了55%。对此世界卫生组织敦促各国政府采取限制酒精的措施,因为酒精不仅有害身体,还会引发暴力和精神问题。As millions of people move indoors to curb the spread of the cor...

  • A Great Business Isn't a Great Investment at the Wrong Price or Wrong Terms如果价格或者条件不合适,那大公司也不是好的投资之选We spend a lot of time talking about the vario...

  • The coronavirus pandemic is the stuff of nightmares.新冠疫情成了人们的噩梦。A publicly-sourced blog, I Dream of Covid, is documenting the strange and often-distur...

  • 当地时间4月21日,白宫举行新冠肺炎疫情新闻发布会。美国总统特朗普在会上宣布,美国将在未来60天内暂停接收移民。此举在美国现代史上没有过先例。President Trump said Tuesday he will halt immigration to the United States for ...

  • 居家隔离、保持社交距离新冠肺炎疫情的暴发以及随后的封锁措施使全球数十亿人焦虑情绪加剧,或将对全球心理健康造成严重的普遍性影响”。The coronavirus pandemic is likely to have a "profound and pervasive impact...

  • 如果有机会和明星面对面接触,还能为饥饿的人们捐款献爱心,你愿意吗?最近,欧美很多演艺明星都宣布参加All In挑战”,其中包括莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥、贾斯汀·比伯以及《老友记》主创等人。这次挑战通过为粉丝们提供各种与名人近距离接触的体验来换取捐款,帮助因为新冠肺...

  • In short, economics is the study of how people and groups of people use their resources.简单地讲,经济学这门学科研究的是人们以及不同的群体如何利用他们手上的资源。Money certainly is one of...