
  • 一头野驴不听好友豺狼的劝告,非要在果园里大声唱歌,结果农民听到了,过来狠狠揍了他一顿。A wild donkey once lived in the woods. He had no friends and lived all alone.One day a jackal passing by sa...

  • Mum went shopping.妈妈去买东西。She took the children.她带上了孩子们。The children looked up.孩子们往上看。There was an elephant on the roof.有一只大象在屋顶上。The elephant looked f...

  • 从前有一个人捡到了一只小猫鼬,他和妻子把小猫鼬照顾的很好。小猫鼬和家里的小儿子感情很好,有一天,有一只大蛇来了,为了保护小宝贝,猫鼬勇敢的和大蛇做斗争受了伤。回来的妈妈却以为是猫鼬害死了儿子Once there lived a kind Brahmin in a small village with...

  • 冬天太冷了,万物藏冬,乌鸦好不容易找到一块奶酪,却因为狐狸恭维的语言而失去了The winter had been especially cold. The snow lay thick and heavy on the ground. The squirrels, the badgers and ...

  • On a lily pad in the little stream that flowed at the bottom of the meadow, there lived an old Frog. He was a big frog and he was very proud of his si...

  • 从前在森林里有只豺狼他太懒了,总是追逐比他小的豺狼吃掉他们的猎物,最终其他豺狼想了一个办法,他好几天都没吃到东西只好去别的地方。他到了一个森林里,被咚咚咚的声音吓坏了,后来鼓起勇气看了看,原来是一个破旧的战鼓。他终于美美的吃了一顿大餐。Once in a forest there lived a j...

  • 从前在森林里有只狮子很强大,他总是杀死经过身边的动物仅仅是为了取乐。后来动物们商量每天供给狮子一只动物,让他停止残杀。有一天轮到一只聪明的兔子,他看到一口很深的井,想了一个好办法Once in a forest there lived a lion who was very proud of his...

  • The Cat's Elopement


    Once upon a time there lived a cat of marvellous beauty, with a skin as soft and shining as silk, and wise green eyes, that could see even in the dark...

  • Long ago, in Japan, there was a boy who was training to be a monk. He lived in the small temple at the end of the village. Every morning, at quarter t...

  • There once lived a lion, the king of the forest. He was always accompanied by a jackal and a crow. They followed him every where and lived on the rema...

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