
  • THERE was once upon a time a poor widow1 who had an only son named Jack,2 and a cow named Milky-white.3 And all they had to live on was the milk the c...

  • Hop o' My Thumb


    THERE was, once upon a time, a man and his wife fagot-makers2 by trade, who had several children, all boys. The eldest was but ten years old, and the ...

  • Hansel and Gretel


    ONCE upon a time there dwelt on the outskirts of a large forest1 a poor woodcutter2 with his wife and two children; the boy was called Hansel3 and the...

  • The Goose Girl


    ONCE upon a time an old queen,1 whose husband had been dead for many years, had a beautiful daughter.2 When she grew up she was betrothed3 to a prince...

  • ONCE upon a time there were Three Bears,1 who lived together in a house of their own,2 in a wood. One of them was a Little, Small, Wee Bear;3 and one ...

  • The Golden Goose


    THERE was a man who had three sons, the youngest of whom was called Dummling,2 and was despised, mocked, and put down on every occasion.3It happened t...

  • Godfather Death


    A POOR man had twelve children and was forced to work night and day to give them even bread. When therefore the thirteenth2 came into the world, he kn...

  • A CERTAIN miller2 had little by little fallen into poverty, and had nothing left but his mill3 and a large apple-tree4 behind it. Once when he had gon...

  • The Gingerbread Man


    NOW you shall hear a story that somebody's great-great-grandmother told a little girl ever so many years ago:1There was once a little old man and ...

  • IN OLD times when wishing still helped one, there lived a king whose daughters were all beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful that the sun itse...