2023-12-05Once upon a time a Wolf was lapping(舔) at a spring on a hillside, when, looking up, what should he see but a Lamb just beginning to drink a little low...
The Black Cat (2)
2023-12-05But, as the weeks passed, I began to dislike the animal more and more. I do not know why, but I hated the way he loved me. Soon, I began to hate him&m...
The Black Cat
2023-12-05You are not going to believe this story. But it is a true story, as true as I sit here writing it—as true as I will die in the morning. Yes, thi...
2023-12-05Once upon a time . . . in the immense Russian steppe, lay a little village where nearly all the inhabitants bred horses. It was the month of October, ...
How the First House was Built
2023-12-05A long time ago, humans were only as tall as hens and rabbits. These tiny "humans", if you can call them that, lived under trees. Living in ...
The Story of Big Ears
2023-12-05This happened a long, long time ago. Humans had big ears then. And they would flap in the wind. Their ears were so big that they found a use for them....
A Wolf Story
2023-12-05A young farmer, named Connor, once missed two fine cows from his herd, and no tale or tidings could be heard of them anywhere. So he thought he would ...
How kangaroo got his tail (II)
2023-12-05One night, blasts of wind lashed the kangaroo with raindrops that felt like icy needles. Mirram was so wet and cold, he couldn't take it any longe...
How kangaroo got his tail (I)
2023-12-05A long time ago, some animals looked different to the way they look now. Kangaroos had no tails and wombats had high, round heads. Mirram the Kangaroo...
Three to Get Ready
2023-12-05Three friends hopped until they came to a pond.I cannot hop over a pond,” Bird said. I must fly across and wait for you on the other side.&rdquo...