The Goat and the Ass
2023-11-24A MAN once kept a Goat and an Ass. The Goat, envying the Ass onaccount of his greater abundance of food, said, "How shamefullyyou are treated: at...
The Goatherd and the Wild Goats
2023-11-24A GOATHERD, driving his flock from their pasture at eventide,found some Wild Goats mingled among them, and shut them uptogether with his own for the n...
The Goat and the Goatherd
2023-11-24A GOATHERD had sought to bring back a stray goat to his flock. He whistled and sounded his horn in vain; the straggler paid noattention to the summons...
The Gnat and the Lion
2023-11-24A GNAT came and said to a Lion, "I do not in the least fear you,nor are you stronger than I am. For in what does your strengthconsist? You can sc...
The Gnat and the Bull
2023-11-24A GNAT settled on the horn of a Bull, and sat there a long time. Just as he was about to fly off, he made a buzzing noise, andinquired of the Bull if ...
The Geese and the Cranes
2023-11-24THE GEESE and the Cranes were feeding in the same meadow, when abirdcatcher came to ensnare them in his nets. The Cranes, beinglight of wing, fled awa...
The Gamecocks and the Partridge
2023-11-24A MAN had two Gamecocks in his poultry-yard. One day by chancehe found a tame Partridge for sale. He purchased it and broughtit home to be reared with...
The Frogs Desiring a King
2023-11-24The Frogs were living as happy as could be in a marshy swampthat just suited them; they went splashing about caring for nobodyand nobody troubling wit...
The Frogs Asking for a King
2023-11-24THE FROGS, grieved at having no established Ruler, sentambassadors to Jupiter entreating for a King. Perceiving theirsimplicity, he cast down a huge l...
The Frogs' Complaint Against the Sun
2023-11-24ONCE UPON A TIME, when the Sun announced his intention to take awife, the Frogs lifted up their voices in clamor to the sky. Jupiter, disturbed by the...