
  • The Two Frogs


    TWO FROGS were neighbors. One inhabited a deep pond, far removedfrom public view; the other lived in a gully containing littlewater, and traversed by ...

  • TWO MEN, deadly enemies to each other, were sailing in the samevessel. Determined to keep as far apart as possible, the oneseated himself in the stem,...

  • The Two Pots


    Two Pots had been left on the bank of a river, one of brass,and one of earthenware. When the tide rose they both floated offdown the stream. Now the e...

  • TWO SOLDIERS traveling together were set upon by a Robber. Theone fled away; the other stood his ground and defended himselfwith his stout right hand....

  • TWO MEN were journeying together. One of them picked up an axethat lay upon the path, and said, "I have found an axe." "Nay, myfriend,&...

  • The Vain Jackdaw


    Jupiter announced that he intended to appoint a king over the birds,and named a day on which they were to appear before his throne, whenhe would selec...

  • A VINE was luxuriant in the time of vintage with leaves andgrapes. A Goat, passing by, nibbled its young tendrils and itsleaves. The Vine addressed hi...

  • A Vixen who was taking her babies out for an airing one balmymorning, came across a Lioness, with her cub in arms. "Why suchairs, haughty dame, o...

  • A WASP seated himself upon the head of a Snake and, striking himunceasingly with his stings, wounded him to death. The Snake,being in great torment an...

  • THE WASPS and the Partridges, overcome with thirst, came to aFarmer and besought him to give them some water to drink. Theypromised amply to repay him...