肯德基64年经典广告语 疫情期间不建议“吮指”
KFC said it's suspending its 64-year-old slogan, "It's Finger Lickin' Good," amid the coronavirus pandemic. The slogan "doesn't feel quite right" given the current environment, the company said. 肯德基表示其使用了64年的标语:“吮指回味无穷”将在冠状病毒流行期间暂停使用。公司表示,在现在的环境下感觉到该标语“不太合适”。 这一举动来源于美国疾病控制与预防中心敦促消费者避免接触他们的脸—包括他们的嘴—以避免新型冠状病毒的传播。新型冠状病毒引起一种名为COVID-19的疾病。美国疾病控制与预防中心还建议消费者勤洗手并消毒,当靠近其他人时用口罩遮住口鼻。 KFC took a tongue-in-cheek approach to the announcement, saying in a statement that they are the "winner of the award for the most inappropriate slogan for 2020." But at the same time, the restaurant industry is among the most challenged, as it copes with restrictions on indoor dining and consumer fears about the spread of the virus in settings where people are gathering without wearing masks. 肯德基用一种半开玩笑的方式对待这一公告,说当下他们是“2020年最不恰当标语奖获得者”。然而与此同时,因为需要应对室内饮食的限制和消费者对于坐在不戴口罩的人群聚集处可能导致病毒传播的恐慌,餐饮行业受到了最大的挑战。 肯德基表示标语将“在合适的时间”回归。 |