近日,一位名叫熊翎好的18岁全盲女孩参加上海国际青少年钢琴大赛总决赛的演奏贝多芬“悲怆奏鸣曲”的视频震撼和感动了众多网友。 A video clip of Xiong Linghao, an 18-year-old blind girl playing Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata in an international youth piano competition in Shanghai, went viral online. 熊翎好来自四川绵阳,今年18岁。因自幼全盲,她在演奏时,只能凭肌肉记忆找键盘。 Xiong Linghao, a visually impaired young woman who started learning the piano at age 6, said her idol is Ludwig van Beethoven, who began to suffer from hearing problems in his 20s and later went completely deaf. Their physical challenges led both of them to establish a connection with the world through music, said the 18-year-old from Mianyang, Sichuan province, who was born premature and lost her eyesight in early infancy due to a medical accident. 尽管自幼失明,熊翎好却与钢琴有着特殊的缘分。 “她两三岁时偶然听到一首歌,之后自己爬上电子琴去试着弹,当时我还觉得弹得挺像。”熊翎好的妈妈林春蓉回忆说,之后熊翎好开始学电子琴。 五六岁时,一次在街上闲逛,熊翎好听到从琴房里飘出来的钢琴声,当时觉得“很好听很受触动”,从此在家人的支持下踏上学钢琴的路。 "The piano is my best friend," said Xiong. "The piano has accompanied me throughout my ups and downs in its own way. It brings so much pleasure into my life and empowers me with perseverance." 对于看不见的熊翎好来说,学习钢琴是一条艰辛的道路,其中熟悉键盘和曲谱是最大的困难。钢琴有88个键,曲谱更复杂,高音、低音、和弦、高八度都需要区别。刚开始练手型时,熊翎好只能靠老师把手指硬扳成弹钢琴的样子。 Learning to play the piano, which usually has 88 keys, is not easy for people who are visually challenged. At first, her teacher helped her place her hands and fingers properly. 熊翎好通过找中央区域,逐渐熟悉了每一组键盘,再通过记忆黑白键的顺序和位置来记住琴键。一切只能靠感觉,跨度大的手型反复练习,练到熟悉为止。就这样每天花两三个小时来记忆,熊翎好花了两年的时间才彻底熟悉了键盘。 "Repeated practice is key because I need muscle memory to find the right keys," she explained. "I pay attention to each minor step in each phrase and need to be fairly precise with the angle of how I control my hands, wrists and fingers." 通过勤奋的练习,12岁时熊翎好就拿到了钢琴十级。 2013年,她以一首《彩云追月》获得香港世界青少年“金紫荆花奖”音乐、舞蹈、器乐、美术艺术大赛最高奖。在2017“和谐之音”中国青少年钢琴公开赛上获得川西北赛区初赛一等奖。2018年获“李斯特纪念奖”,香港国际钢琴公开赛四川赛区选拔赛自由选曲少年组一等奖。 2019年,熊翎好被评为“全国自强模范”,在人民大会堂受到表彰。 熊翎好已经创作了几首歌,其中一首叫做“梦中的小狗”,在歌中她想象有一只导盲犬来陪伴她的生活。歌词如“蓝蓝的天空和彩虹做的滑梯”展示了她可以通过音乐“看到”世界。 熊翎好目前就读于成都市特殊教育学校,梦想着今后能去北京的大学学习音乐表演或音乐制作。 Xiong is aspiring to be admitted to a university in Beijing and major in music performance or music production. 2019年接受成都商报采访时,熊翎好向记者描述了“假如拥有三天光明的日子”。 If she had vision for three days, Xiong said, she would see how she looks, cook a big meal for her parents and take a walk in the places she has been to hundreds of times. "I also would like to see with my eyes what the piano that has accompanied me for more than a decade looks like," she said. |