谈恋爱的幸福总是相似的,单身的原因却各有各的不同。国外问答网站Quora上有人提问:“大家单身的原因是什么?”网友们的答案幽默中透露着些许辛酸。 获得628好评的答案@Rishi Kumar They are not single. They are in a relationship with their computers. 获得183好评的答案@Joni Cham I'm single because: I am very, very, very picky. I figure I'd rather be single than be stuck in a relationship with someone I'm not totally crazy about. Unfortunately, the few who pass my standards do not seem to like me that way. I'm lazy. I don't make much of an effort to meet people and get to know mildly interesting people. I'm busy. I work a lot. Also, I do a lot of other things when I'm not at work and most of them do not involve meeting single men. I'm shy. I will not make the first move because rejection sucks. 获得37好评的答案@Syeda Younus I take relationships seriously, that is something I can't help, so I become pretty emotionally involved. This results in me being extremely picky. Also, because relationships are so important to me when I have one, it's not really compatible with my being extremely busy at this younger stage in my life. Or maybe just because I'm young and don't really know what I am looking for, and thus I’m commitment-phobic. 获得89好评的答案 I'm ugly. |