最近,“童话大王”郑渊洁在社交媒体上火了。他因为在评论区和网友的有爱互动,频繁登上热搜。 郑渊洁这个名字几乎存在于每个80后和部分90后的童年里,这位“童话大王”曾于2011年登上作家富豪榜第三位。 Over the past four decades, Zheng has published countless tales, including the well-known “Pipi Lu” and “Lu Xixi” stories. He has a reputation as a writer whom the whole family can enjoy reading. 影响深远的不仅仅是他的作品,更有他的为人。网友找出他2017年的微博,好奇他为什么不与地铁上读着自己书的小朋友打招呼,后来才发现他的“严谨”和慈爱(时年62岁)。 如今长大成人的小读者们亲切地叫他“郑爷爷”,他们发现郑渊洁的微博评论区“没有吵架和阴阳怪气”,只有有爱的互动。 他连送祝福都这样严谨又可爱:
对比起另一本涉嫌贬低女性小便姿势的性教育童书,该博文赞赏了郑渊洁的写法。 In contrast, Zheng Yuanjie’s Where Are You from, My Friend turns the narrative around on one occasion at least. A boy is curious why there are no urinals in women’s bathrooms. He is informed that, because girls don’t have penises, they don’t need the fixture to prevent splashing. Thank you, Zheng Yuanjie, for telling the truth. 纵观他的作品,豆瓣评分基本都超过8.5分,每本书都能获得数万条评价。 不妨一起回顾一下他带给我们的童年故事吧。 Pipilu is a typical naughty child, but he is also righteous, kind, courageous and responsible. He is always bold and often does things unimaginable. Once he made a double-bang firecracker with bamboo and flew to the sky. He makes so many adventures, like changing the way people live by adjusting the clock of the earth, meeting Uncle Hat and taking part in melon seeds cracking competition, getting caught in Three-eyed Kingdom and becoming a "minister". With the help of Uncle Hat, he learns driving and then comes across noctambulant animals. All these experiences teach him not to bully girls or adventure blindly, not being snobbish or tell lies, and to be honest with friends. Luxixi, No.1 female figure in Zheng Yuanjie's fairy tale, is the twin sister of Pipilu. She is cute, kind, smart and studious, quite different from her brother in many ways. But she is righteous and courageous just like her brother.
中国国际广播电台(CRI)在报道里称: [He] likes to be alone and refuses to have any relationship with literary circles or the various associations of writers. To him, his imagination works best in his own world. Vocabulary narrative [ˈnærətɪv] n (尤指小说中的)描述;叙述 |