第78届金球奖宣布最佳导演奖得主的话音刚落,一个梳两条麻花辫、身穿绿色T恤的亚裔女性双手合十,举起桌上的马克杯,微笑向观众致意。她是赵婷,第一位获金球奖的中国女导演。 北京时间3月1日上午,第78届金球奖揭晓。中国导演赵婷凭借《无依之地》(Nomadland)斩获金球奖最佳导演奖,她也是首位获得这一奖项的中国女导演。 据悉,这部电影将于今年4月23日在荧幕上与内地观众见面。 Beijing-born director Chloe Zhao was named top director at the 2021 Golden Globes on Sunday night for "Nomadland", becoming the first Asian woman and only the second female director to win the prize in the Globes' 78-year history. The 38-year-old filmmaker is also the first woman in 38 years to take the prize since Barbra Streisand won for "Yentl". 赵婷(右)与《无依之地》主演弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德(Frances McDormand) "I especially want to thank the nomads who shared their stories with us," she continued, going on to share a quote from one about compassion: "compassion is the breakdown of all barriers between us. A heart-to-heart bonding. Your pain is my pain. It's mingled and shared between us." "Now this is why I fell in love with making movies and telling stories. Because it gives us a chance to laugh and cry together. And it gives us to learn from each other and have more compassion for each other." 《无依之地》片场照 Zhao's critically acclaimed work "Nomadland" also pocketed the Golden Globe award for best drama film. The picture previously won multiple coveted awards including the Golden Lion at the 2020 Venice International Film Festival. 影片讲述了一位女性在经济大萧条中失去工作、经历丈夫离世后,成为一个居住在货车里的现代游牧民,开始穿越美国西部的故事。 而这部电影的主演,正是在《三块广告牌》(Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri)中塑造了坚强母亲形象的奥斯卡影后弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德(Frances McDormand)。 《无依之地》改编自杰西卡·布鲁德2017年的纪实小说《荒原》。多家外媒报道,麦克多蒙德和制作人彼得·斯皮尔斯在阅读过原著之后,点名要赵婷导演此片: 《好莱坞报道》写道: McDormand and producer Spears had recently optioned Jessica Bruder's book Nomadland, a nonfiction ode to baby boomers forced to live in campers as a result of economic hardships, and Zhao was their first choice to direct. 有媒体评论称,在好莱坞享有声誉的华人导演多少都受东方文化的影响,吴宇森靠有浓重东方元素的功夫片、黑帮片打出一片天;李安则不停在东西方文化之间来回游走、探索。而赵婷的影片则体现了她对美国社会的融入和观察。 她的处女作《哥哥教我唱的歌》关注少数族裔和弱势群体,描写的是美国印第安土著人的生活;第二部剧情长片《骑士》则由真正的牛仔布雷迪·詹德罗饰演,讲述了布雷迪的一段真实故事。 在这些故事里,我们看到人的自我意识的觉醒。赵婷在不同的采访里都提到,《无依之地》是借别人的故事说自己。 16岁时,几乎不懂英语的赵婷离开土生土长的北京,被父母送到了英国,在一所名为“英国的霍格沃茨”的寄宿学校学习。17岁时,她又从伦敦搬到洛杉矶,后搬离热闹的市区,在距洛杉矶一百五十多公里、一个拒绝连锁商场进驻的小镇定居,与外界保持着一定的距离。 《无依之地》中主人公游离在主流之外的漂泊,也有赵婷本人的影子。 金球奖完整获奖名单
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