2013年Nerd HQ曾采访过抖森(Tom Hiddleston),短短一个小时的访谈抖森侃侃而谈,仿佛化身人生导师。 这世上有许多人害怕去在乎,或者害怕显露出他们的在乎,因为这不够酷。因为有了激情就显得不淡定;在乎输赢往往输得很惨。 抖森说,自己的一位良师肯尼斯·布拉纳(Kenneth Branagh)曾经告诉他“别害怕去在乎”。 I think it’s a quote from Shakespeare, from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which is four words “take pains, be perfect”. I think it’s his way of saying, don’t be afraid of caring. 我想那是莎翁的话,出自《仲夏夜之梦》,是这八个字:不辞辛劳,尽善尽美。我想他这是在说:别害怕去在乎。
不要回避你的激情。将它自由挥洒,再有真诚和勤奋,一切都会变好的。 你正在因为繁重的课业、工作而沮丧吗? 抖森还谈到,在戏剧学院读书时,每天开工16小时,感到整个人都被掏空了……直到一天清晨,他爬上山坡,将伦敦城尽收眼底: I live near a couple of parks in London. One night I couldn’t sleep. It was summer. I got up really early in the morning. I went and walked to the nearest big hill and I saw the sun rising over London, which is one of the greatest cities in the world. Sometimes that’s the answer. Just get up when the sun gets up and look around, and you realize you’re part of an amazing planet. 我家离伦敦几个公园比较近。有天晚上我睡不着。那是在夏天,我起了个大早,爬到最近的山坡上,看到太阳升起,阳光照耀着伦敦这座人间至伟之城。有时候答案就是这样。和太阳一道起床,然后看看周遭世界,你会意识到,你是这神奇星球的一部分。 So I’m not wasting any time. And the thing is, with negativity, for my money, they are just, they are like clouds that pass across the sun. You know they will pass. They’re just feelings. It’s important not to dwell on them. 抖森说:“所谓消极,在我看来不过是蔽日的烟云。它们会消散。消极只是主观感觉而已。重要的是不要沉湎于此。” |