当所有仿货都在努力掩饰自己的“身份”,力争自己和正品看起来无异时,古驰却开始卖“假货”。在古驰近期发布的新品中,大大的“FAKE”就写在包包的正上方,在向人们大声的宣布,我是古驰,我是不FAKE的假货。” They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery and now Gucci has taken a tongue-in-cheek approach to beat counterfeiters at their own game. From jackets and jumpers to shoes and bags, the Italian fashion house is selling a range emblazoned with the words 'Fake' and 'Not'. But the 14-item collection will set shoppers back a lot more than a counterfeit, with prices ranging from £1,460 to £295. A backpack costs a whopping £1460, with fake placed on the front and not hidden on the back. The Fake/Not sweatshirt and nylon cape will set shoppers back by £690 and £610 respectively, while a pair of trainers is priced at £465. The collection features a classic bicolor stripe first seen in the 1980s - the same time the Gucci's logo and signature motifs were thought to be first illegally appropriated. Gucci previously printed its name as Guccy in 2017 on items, reflecting the trend where imitation goods often misspell names. Since then, the logo has featured in several successful collections. |