据美联社报道,美国总统拜登当地时间14日拒绝要求纽约州州长、民主党人科莫辞职,在科莫的政治前途问题上采取了观望态度。此前,科莫被多次投诉性骚扰。 President Joe Biden on Sunday passed up an opportunity to join other Democrats calling for the resignation of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who is under investigation after multiple allegations of sexual harassment. Asked by a reporter if Cuomo should resign, Biden responded, “I think the investigation is underway and we should see what it brings us.” 美国纽约州州长安德鲁·科莫12日向媒体重申,不会因性骚扰指控辞职,将等待调查结果。 据外媒报道,已经进入第三个任期的纽约州州长科莫共被6名女性投诉,包括一些女下属,这些女性称受到科莫性骚扰或对方有其它不当行为。 Six women, several of them former members of his staff, have alleged that he sexually harassed or behaved inappropriately toward them. Cuomo has denied touching any women inappropriately. 科莫本人否认所有指控,称对所有女士都没有不当行为,但纽约州总检察官詹姆斯已对科莫展开调查,纽约州的一些民主党重量级人物要求科莫辞职,包括参议员舒梅尔和吉利布兰德。 Several prominent New York Democrats, including Sens. Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, have called on Cuomo to step down. The three-term governor has refused to resign and has denied he did what has been alleged. 据报道,当地时间3月12日,白宫新闻发言人普萨基表示,拜登“当然支持”对科莫的调查,但拜登政府的防疫团队仍会继续与科莫在纽约州疫苗接种项目上合作。 On Friday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki would not say whether Biden believes Cuomo should resign. She said every woman who has come forward “deserves to have her voice heard, should be treated with respect and should be able to tell her story.” 美国纽约州瞒报养老院新冠病亡人数 科莫自2011年起一直担任纽约州州长,并将于2022年迎来连任竞选。他去年因抗疫有力声名鹊起,成为了美国的“抗疫明星”。 如今,除了性骚扰丑闻外,不久前科莫还因瞒报养老院新冠死亡人数接受调查。 Despite the initial praise for his handling of COVID-19, there has been increasing criticism, from both Democrats and Republicans, directed at Cuomo and his team's handling of data after an aide admitted withholding nursing home data. 今年1月下旬,纽约州总检察长发布了一份报告,发现纽约州卫生部大约低估了50%的养老院新冠死亡病例。纽约州政府随后将养老院居民的死亡总数上调数千人。科莫坚称,州政府只是信息发布不及时,并没有瞒报。 近来,美国纽约州瞒报养老院新冠肺炎死亡患者人数一事持续发酵,多位纽约州养老院新冠肺炎病亡者家属在接受媒体采访时表示,掩盖事实真相不可接受,而他们对目前已公开的数字仍持怀疑态度。 此前,纽约州检察机关调查发现,该州养老院“实际的新冠肺炎死亡病患人数高达近15000人” 。 拜登呼吁美国民众接种疫苗 3月14日,美国纽约市举行纪念活动,悼念该市超过3万名新冠逝者。 而据有关媒体早前报道,当地时间3月11日,拜登发表演讲表示正命令美国各州在5月1日前让所有成年人都有资格接种新冠疫苗。政府将把美国独立日7月4日作为目标日期,届时让所有美国人都可以与家人和朋友聚会。 演讲中,拜登呼吁每位美国人行动起来接种疫苗,并表示如若大家能够共同努力,家人和朋友们也许能在7月4日“独立日”前再次一起聚会。 "I will not relent until we beat this virus. But I need you, the American people. I need you, I need every American, to do their part. I need you to get vaccinated when it's your turn and when you can find an opportunity. And to help your family, your friends, your neighbors get vaccinated as well." "Because here's the point, if we do all this, if we do our part, if we do this together -- by July the Fourth, there's a good chance you, your family and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or your neighborhood and have a cookout and a barbecue and celebrate Independence Day." 此外,拜登在讲话中特别谴责了以新冠肺炎疫情为借口,仇恨亚裔、分裂美国的人。 据华盛顿邮报,截至目前,约有10%的美国人已经完成了疫苗接种。 About 10 percent of the country, or 33.2 million people, is fully vaccinated, according to a Washington Post tally. |