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Warren Buffet’s 10 Rules

Today I had lunch at Jimmy John’s and noticed a sign on the wall that showed Warren Buffet’s list of 10 Rules. I was so moved by it that I had to change tables in the middle of my sandwich just to get a closer look. Is it any wonder that he is one of the richest men in the world?

1. Reinvest your profits. “Even a small sum can turn into great wealth,” Schroeder writes, if you’re disciplined to not touch your profits. Let the power of compound interest work for you.

1. 把你现有的财富做再投资。就像史诺德写到过的那样:“再小的资金也能变成大财富”——只要你管好自己不乱花赚来的钱。要让复利(compound interest)帮你赚钱。

指利息计算的基础是本金加先前累积的利息,与单利相对,后者指利息只以初始本金为计算基础。“按年复利”(compounding annually)是指当年利息只在一年结束时一次性纳入下一年的计息基础。例如,如果存入100英镑,年利率为10%,那幺一年后可获得110英镑。如果按单利方式计算,两年后可获得120英镑,三年后则是130英镑,而复利计算则将上年的利息亦纳入计息基础,即两年后可得121英镑,三年后则是 133.10英镑。相对于单利方式,三年后额外的3.10英镑利息即是复利作用的结果。

2. Be willing to be different. Don’t follow the herd. Do what is best for you and your situation.

2. 要愿意与众不同,把自己区别于芸芸众生。做对自己和自己的处境有利的事儿。
3. Never suck your thumb. Ah, how I could learn from this one. Buffett makes decisions quickly based on the available information. I tend to sit and stew about things. Acting decisively can give you an advantage and prevent procrastination.

3. 永远都别吮手指。额……这个该如何理解呢?巴菲特会根据已有的信息很快做出决定。我则倾向于坐下来、好好把事情理清楚。果断地做决定能够给你优势位置、并避免耽搁事情。
4. Spell out the deal before you start. I stress this all the time: Don’t sign a contract unless you’ve read it (especially not a mortgage). Read the fine print. Understand what you’re getting yourself into.

4. 在做交易以前一定要搞明白了。我成天为这事儿烦呢:在签合同以前一定要好好读清楚(特别当合同不是分期付款时)。条款一点一点读清楚,要知道自己正要做什么。
5. Watch small expenses. While it’s true that the big things matter, the little things do too. Frugality is an important part of personal finance. But this principle also applies when investing, which is one reason I’m a fan of low-cost index funds.

5. 小开销也要谨慎。大事儿要紧这没错,但小事儿同样也是的。节俭对个人理财来说是重要的一环。这个原则对于投资同样适用,这也是为什么我喜欢低成本指数基金的原因。
小编注:什么是指数基金(Index fund)?



