Jennifer Lopez DJ: Your relationship with Puff is one of the most famous relationships in the world, you are always both in magazines, and newspapers together, but to be honest they always seem to be giving you a rough time. Do you think it makes you stronger together as a couple? Jennifer Lopez: I think so, but I think it’s also hard to deal with. It makes you kind of bond together when you are in a situation, where it’s like the two of you against everybody. You know what I mean, in a way not against the world, but against what people are being made to think about you through the media. You know, through newspapers, and magazines, and 1)stuff just a lot of times is not true, and in a way it can damage the relationship, too you know what I mean, which is the part why it’s not good, you know. 主持人∶你和帕夫的关系是众人皆知,你们两个常常一起上报纸和杂志,同时也一定给你们带来了许多烦恼,你认为婚姻会不会让你们的感情更加融洽呢? 詹妮弗·洛佩兹:是这样的。话说回来,这事还真难缠,就好像两个人得跟所有人过不去,也就将两人捆在了一起。我们不是想和全世界作对,而是恨那些对媒体偏听偏信的人。你知道,报纸、杂志上的东西很多时候都是假的,还能破坏两个人的关系,这一点也不好。 1、stuff[ [stQf] n.材料 |