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英语哲理故事:盲人点灯 照亮他人亦方便自己


On a pitch-dark night, a monk seeking the real Buddha was walking in a desolate village. In the also pitch-dark road, villagers were coming to and fro silently.
The monk walked round an alley and saw a dim light cast from the depth of the dark alley approaching. One villager nearby said, “Blind Sun(a blind man), is coming.”

The monk felt entirely puzzled at the blind man’s deed. A blind man was supposed to have no concept of day and night and cannot see everything like birds, flowers, mountains, waters, etc, around him. He could even not know how the “light” looked like. But Blind Sun was surprisingly holding a lantern, which made the monk feel confused and ridiculous. The lantern was approaching with the dim light gradually cast onto the monk’s straw sandals. Out of curiosity, the monk asked Blind Sun, “Excuse me, are you really a blind man?” “Yes, I have been blind since I came to this world.” The blind man replied.
