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双语小说连载:《董贝父子》第四章 Part 3


      'He didn't take any notice of you, I suppose?'.

      'Yes he did. He walked up to my seat, - I wish he wasn't so solemn and stiff, Uncle, - and said, "Oh! you are the son of Mr Gills the Ships' Instrument-maker." "Nephew, Sir," I said. "I said nephew, boy," said he. But I could take my oath he said son, Uncle.'



      'You're mistaken I daresay. It's no matter.

      'No, it's no matter, but he needn't have been so sharp, I thought. There was no harm in it though he did say son. Then he told me that you had spoken to him about me, and that he had found me employment in the House accordingly, and that I was expected to be attentive and punctual, and then he went away. I thought he didn't seem to like me much.'



      'You mean, I suppose,' observed the Instrument-maker, 'that you didn't seem to like him much?'

      'Well, Uncle,' returned the boy, laughing. 'Perhaps so; I never thought of that.'



注释:attentive adj. 留意的,注意的
1. He was always attentive to his wife.
2. You should be attentive to what your parents have said.
