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Lady Godiva was an Anglo-Saxon woman who lived in England during the 11th century. She was the wife of Leofric, Lord of Coventry. According to legend, her husband forced his people to pay such heavy taxes that Lady Godiva felt sorry for them. She asked her husband to reduce the heavy taxes. Her husband said he would if she would ride naked through the town. He thought he was safe in making this promise, but to his astonishment, Lady Godiva accepted the challenge. She asked all the people in the town to stay indoors and closed their shutters as she went by. Then she rode through the streets on a white horse, and her long flowing hair was her only clothing. All the people of the town honoured her request except the town tailor, Tom, who peeped through a shutter and was struck blind. To this day, people still call someone who gets sexual pleasure from watching others secretly a "peeping Tom".
