【英文】 Chinese ceremonies The seventh day of the seventh lunar month is the only Chinese festival devoted to love in the Lunar calendar. Unlike St. Valentine''s Day in Western countries there is not so much emphasis on giving chocolates, flowers and kisses. Instead, Chinese girls prepare fruits, melons and incense(熏香) as offerings to Zhi Nu, the weaving maiden, praying to acquire high skills in needlecraft(裁缝), as well as hoping to find satisfactory husbands. In the evening, people sit outdoors to observe the stars. Chinese grannies would say that, if you stand under a grapevine, you can probably overhear what Zhi Nu and Niu Lang are talking about. Chinese Valentine's Day is also called "The Daughter's Festival". Long ago, Chinese girls aspired to becoming skilled craftswomen like the Weaving Maid. This skill was considered essential to their future as wives and mothers. On that night, unmarried girls prayed to the Weaving Maid star for the special gift. When the star Vega was high up in the sky, girls performed a small test by placing a needle on the water's surface: If the needle did not sink, the girl was considered to be ready to find a husband. Once a year, on this day, girls could wish for anything their hearts desired. In some Chinese provinces, people believe that decorating an ox's horns with flowers on Chinese Valentine's Day will ward off disaster. On the night of Valentine's Day, women wash their hair to give it a fresh and shiny look; children wash their faces the next morning using the overnight water in their backyards for a more naturally beautiful appearance; and girls throw five-colored ropes made during the Chinese Dragon Boat Festival on the roofs so magpies can use them to build the bridge. 种生求子:旧时习俗,在七夕前几天,先在小木板上敷一层土,播下粟米的种子,让它生出绿油油的嫩苗,再摆一些小茅屋、花木在上面,做成田舍人家小村落的模样…… 拜织女:“拜织女”纯是少女、少妇们的事。她们大都是预先和自己朋友或邻里们约好五六人,多至十来人,联合举办。举行的仪式,是于月光下摆一张桌子,桌子上置茶、酒。水果、五子等祭品…… 。 Chinese girls prepare fruits, melons and incense(熏香) as offerings to Zhi Nu, the weaving maiden, praying to acquire high skills in needlecraft(裁缝), as well as hoping to find satisfactory husbands. 拜魁星:俗传七月七日是魁星的生日。魁星文事,想求取功名的读书人特别崇敬魁星,所以一定在七夕这天祭拜,祈求他保佑自己考运亨通…… 拜“床母”:台湾七夕除拜七娘妈之外,往往也另备小碗油饭到房中拜“床母”,二者应有类似含意。生产、育儿,这都是女性无可替代的职责,因此这类神祇也都是女性神;在女性神与女性信徒之间,构成密切的联系,化解女性在承担母职时的焦虑与恐惧…… |