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奥巴马演讲 与卡梅伦会晤后答记者问2


This is not an easy fight.  But it is a necessary one.  Terrorists trained in Afghanistan and the tribal regions along the Pakistani border have killed innocent civilians in both of our countries.  And an even wider insurgency in Afghanistan would mean an even larger safe haven for al Qaeda and its terrorist affiliates to(使隶属于) plan their next attack.  And we are not going to let that happen.

We have the right strategy.  We’re going to break the Taliban’s momentum(势头,动力) .  We’re going to build Afghan capacity so Afghans can take responsibility for their future.  And we’re going to deepen regional cooperation, including with Pakistan.

Today’s historic Kabul Conference is another major step forward.  The Afghan government presented —- and its international partners unanimously endorsed —- concrete plans to implement President Karzai’s commitments to improve security, economic growth, governance, and the delivery of basic services. The Afghan government presented its peace and reconciliation plan —- which the United States firmly supports.  Agreement was reached on a plan in which responsibility for security in Afghan provinces will transition to Afghan security forces.  In addition, Afghanistan and Pakistan reached a historic agreement to increase economic opportunity for people on both sides of the border.

So these are all important achievements, and they go a long way toward helping create the conditions needed for Afghans to assume greater responsibility for their country.  Indeed, over the coming year, Afghans will begin to take the lead in security, and in July of next year will begin to transfer -- we will begin the transfer some of our forces out of Afghanistan.  And the Kabul Conference shows that the Afghan -- that Afghanistan has the support of the international community, including the United States, which will remain a long-term partner for the security and progress of the Afghan people.

As we go forward, we want to honor our fallen warriors with the respect and gratitude that they deserve —- whether it’s here at Dover, or in the small British town of Wootton Bassett, where people line the streets in a solemn(庄严的) tribute that represents the best of the British character.  With pride in their service and determination to carry on their work for a safer world, I am confident that we can be worthy of their sacrifice.  And I am confident that with my partner and friend, David Cameron, the special relationship between our countries will only grow stronger in the years to come.

Mr. Prime Minister.

PRIMER MINISTER CAMERON:  Well, first of all, can I thank you, Mr. President, for welcoming me so warmly to the White House today.  Thank you for the meeting, for the lunch that we had, and also for the tour of part of your home.  I have to say, I was most impressed by how tidy your children’s bedrooms were.  (Laughter.)  And I think if the President of the United States can get his children to tidy their bedrooms, then the British Prime Minister, it’s about time --

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  You can do it.

PRIME MINISTER CAMERON:  -- he did exactly the same thing.  (Laughter.)

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  You have to give them some notice, that’s the only thing.  (Laughter.)

PRIME MINISTER CAMERON:  Right.  Well, they’ve got notice --

PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Tell them the Prime Minister is coming.  (Laughter.)

PRIME MINISTER CAMERON:  They should be in bed by now, but if they’re not they have notice.  (Laughter.)

I think we did have a very valuable opportunity today to discuss in real depth a strong and a shared agenda on Afghanistan, on global economic recovery, and on the Middle East. And this relationship isn’t just, as you put it, an extraordinary special relationship.  To me, it is also an absolutely essential relationship if we are going to deliver the security and the prosperity that our people need.  And I thought again today in our discussions just how closely aligned our interests are on all of the issues that we discussed.

First, on Afghanistan, there is no clearer, no more tangible(有形的,切实的) illustration of Britain and America standing shoulder to shoulder in our national interest than this mission that we are engaged in together.  We have British troops working to an American commander in Helmand, and we have American troops working to a British commander in Kandahar.

Today, President Obama and I took stock of progress in this vital year.  We reaffirmed(重申) our commitment to the overall strategy.  A key part of that is training the Afghan national army and police so they can provide security for their country and our troops can come home.

We also agreed on the need to reinvigorate(使复兴) the political strategy for Afghanistan.  Insurgencies(叛乱,暴动) tend not to be defeated by military means alone.  There must also be political settlement.  And to those people currently fighting, if they give up violence, if they cut themselves off from al Qaeda, if they accept the basic tenets of the Afghan constitution, they can have a future in a peaceful Afghanistan.

There is real progress.  Last weekend, the first Afghan-led military operation took place successfully in Helmand, Afghans defending themselves.  And today, as Barack has just said, for the first time in decades, the government of Afghanistan has hosted an international conference on its own soil.  Over 40 foreign ministers and 80 delegations assembled in Kabul to monitor progress and drive forward the international strategy.  That is a real achievement, and we should congratulate President Karzai on it.

President Obama and I also discussed the economy.  We're both taking action that our countries need.  Our destination is a strong and stable growth, a sustained economic recovery, and a reformed financial system that will never again be open to the abuses of the past.  We are confident that the right steps were taken at the Toronto G20 summit to help achieve that.

The Middle East was the third area that we focused on today. We both want a secure, peaceful and stable Middle East.  And that means two things:  First, as Barack has just said, Iran must give up its pursuit of a nuclear weapon.  We urge the Iranian regime to resume negotiations with the international community without delay.  It’s not too late for it to do so.  America and Britain, with our partners, stand ready to negotiate, and to do so in good faith.  But in the absence of a willing partner, we will implement with vigor the sanctions package agreed by the United Nations Security Council, and in Europe we will be taking further steps as well.

Second, we desperately need a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians that provides security, justice and hope.  As we were discussing over lunch, it is time for direct talks, not least because it is time for each, Israel and Palestine, to test the seriousness of the other.

On BP, which we discussed at some length, I completely understand the anger that exists right across America.  The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a catastrophe -- for the environment, for the fishing industry, for tourism.  I've been absolutely clear about that.  And like President Obama, I've also been clear that it is BP’s role to cap the leak, to clean up the mess, and to pay appropriate compensation.  I'm in regular touch with senior management at BP, and the President is, too, to make sure that happens.  And the progress that's been made to cap the leak is a step in the right direction.

Equally, of course, BP is an important company to both the British and the American economies.  Thousands of jobs on both sides of the Atlantic depend on it.  So it’s in the interest of both our countries, as we agreed, that it remains a strong and stable company for the future.  And that's something we discussed today.

And let us not confuse(混乱,困惑) the oil spill with the Libyan bomber. I’ve been absolutely clear about this right from the start, and in our meeting we had what we call a “violent agreement,” which is that releasing the Lockerbie bomber, a mass murderer of 270 people, the largest act of terrorism ever committed in the United Kingdom, was completely wrong.

He showed his victims no compassion.  They were not allowed to die in their beds at home, surrounded by their families.  So in my view, neither should that callous killer have been given that luxury.  That wasn’t a decision taken by BP; it was a decision taken by the Scottish government.  We have to accept that under the laws of my country, where power on certain issues is devolved to Scotland, this was a decision for the Scottish Executive, a decision that they took.

I know that Senator Kerry’s committee is looking into these issues.  My government will engage constructively with those hearings.  And, indeed, my foreign secretary has already set out the government’s position.
