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Belgian ambassador to China gives exclusive interview to Xinhuanet

The following is the transcript of Xinhuanet’s exclusive interview with Michel Malherbe, Belgian ambassador to China:


Xinhuanet: Late March Chinese President Xi Jinping left to Europe, starting his four-state-visit. He will pay a state visit to Belgium and will also visit the EU headquarters in Brussels. This is Xi’s first visit to Belgium as Chinese president and also the first visit to the EU headquarters by a Chinese president. How do you view this visit?


Michel Malherbe: We established diplomatic relationship back in 1971, and Belgium has been among the first countries in the 80s to establish joint ventures in China. One of the best-known is Xi’an Yangsen in Xi’an and also Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell. Since then, trade and investment, and university relationships, and people-to-people contacts have been developing steadily, and it is really a great pleasure for us to see that the President of China coming to Belgium soon, so we really see it as a crown put on all that work since 1971.



Xinhuanet: This year is the 43rd anniversary of the China-Belgium diplomatic relation. In retrospect of the bilateral ties, exchanges at all levels have been substantial and frequent. Economy and trade, cultural, and scientific ties are among them. What do you think of the bilateral exchanges and cooperation between China and Belgium? What do you think are the new directions and new fields for Sino-Belgium cooperation?


Michel Malherbe: I was posted here back in 1994, and that’s exactly 20 years ago. It was my first assignment. Back then, we Europeans were selling goods and technology to China, now, things have changed. We Europeans are trying to attract Chinese investments to Europe. And I can see in my daily life as an ambassador, virtually every institution, every company, every university wants to establish cooperation with China. So, relations have been developing across the whole range, and we are happy to see nowadays that when you look at the Five-Year Plan of China, it really resembles what we do best in Belgium. In terms of trade, green technologies are very much in demand in China, and medical technologies and ways to fight pollution, and high-tech agriculture, these are all things we can do, and China really needs, so we are really good match on the trade side. On the investment side, we really want to attract more companies to Europe. Belgium is the heart of Europe, which is the way we look at it ourselves and hope is the way the Chinese investors look at it. Brussels is the gate to the European continent. So that is the way we look forward to the Belgian-Chinese relationship.



Xinhuanet: Chinese ambassador to Belgium, Mr. Liao Liqiang, said that China-Belgium relationships have maintained a stable and healthy development in three ways. They are high-level reciprocal visits, bilateral economic ties and investment, and people-to-people communications. They have deepened mutual understanding and trust, and bilateral benefits. What do you think of this comment?


Michel Malherbe: Liao Liqiang has become a good friend of me, and as you mentioned, we are colleagues. He represents interests of China in Belgium, and I do the contrary in China. So we are actually also a good-matching professional team. I think that everything starts with people-to-people contacts. In the real life, what we want to see is more students coming from China to Belgium and from Belgium to China. We want people to learn each of these languages. We want companies to trade, and we believe that rising from the people, agreements can see the daylight at government level. That is where indeed as you have mentioned, and as ambassador Liao said, visits are very frequent, and they are actually expression of the growth of people-to-people contacts. We are working on the daily bases to enhance the quality and the quantity of the contacts between the populations, especially the younger people, because we see the recent potential, especially on the investment side between the two countries. But we still lack a little bit of the people to carry them and people who understand each other’s mentality, each other’s language and who know each other’s culture. I am sure that Ambassador Liao and myself, we are working on the same direction, and to enhance the people-to-people contacts, and give them expression at the government to government level.




Xinhuanet: Belgium is China’s sixth biggest trading partner in EU, while China is the second biggest trading partner of Belgium outside EU. Even in the shadow of European debt crisis, China-Belgium economic ties have sustained a great momentum of development. Right now, with the influences of European debt crisis wearing off, which areas, in your opinion, could China and Belgium enhance their economic and trading cooperation?


Michel Malherbe: First of all, we are very thankful to China for its confidence during the Euro crisis. There has been a lot of support, also financially. We are happy to see now that we are emerging out of that crisis, and it reminds everyone that Europe remains market of 500 million people, and the best partner of China. So the support of China in the mist of crisis was well-spent time and well-spent energy. We believe that the reforms that China has started up in November on the occasion of the third plenary are very much matching what we do in Europe. We see that China is growing a little bit slower, but that gives a lot of attention to the creation of social security network, and also to the fight against pollution in favor of the environment. These are options which resemble very much what we do in Europe, that is not fighting for high growth figures, that is seeing to making the population benefit from the growth, in terms of social protection, and in terms of protection of the environment.



Xinhuanet: Last month, Belgium and its people welcomed a pair of Chinese pandas, Xinghui and Haohao, with great enthusiasm. Undoubtedly Belgium loves these two pandas. Could you give us more information on their life in Belgium? And how would you comment on the future of people-to-people communications between China and Belgium?


Michel Malherbe: I went to Chengdu to see the pandas off, and I could see the ceremonies and the departure ceremonies. Our prime minister himself and other ministers were waiting for them at the airport in Belgium and they were taken under police escort to the zoo where they are living now in probably the biggest Chinese garden in Europe. The garden was built in part by Chinese workers. So, this is important because I am not the expert in pandas, but still I think they are the symbols of China, the symbol of soft power, I would say, of China.

答:我去成都并参加了熊猫的欢送仪式。我国首相和其他内阁大臣也在比利时机场亲自欢迎了熊猫的到来。熊猫在比利时警方的护送下入住迄今为止欧洲最大的“中国园”。 当然,这座“中国园”的建造也离不开中国工人的帮助。来自中国的协助非常重要,像我,就不是很了解熊猫,所以更需要中国专业的帮助。同时,熊猫也是中国软实力的体现。

Xinhuanet: TinTin and the Smurfs are world-renowned cartoon figures, and are greatly loved by Chinese people, especially children. Mr. Ambassador, would you please brief us on the efforts to promote culture and tradition made by the Belgian government in recent years?


Michel Malherbe: In Belgium, we are not that much promoting culture from a top-down way, so we are not pushing cultural groups to come to China, what we see is that they come by themselves, and last year, we had a very famous, just to name two examples, a very famous dancer, you probably know Wang Yabin and her friends, she is very famous dancer. She set up a show with one of our most famous choreographers career, and the show was shown at CPA with great success. We also had a contemporary theater company called Nit company, (VERY INNOVATIVE) quite shocking maybe for some, they also came to China and enjoyed a great success. So, although China is far and for cultural groups it is expensive to come to China, and perform in different cities, we see that it happens, and then you also have different types of art. We look at design as being a type of art, and Belgium design is very much present in China. In a way the Smurfs and TinTin are also a kind of design that we are proud of exporting to China, and we enjoy the fact that this gives to Belgium a positive image a little bit the way the pandas give positive image to China.



Xinhuanet: Mr. Ambassador, you took the office last year. In our earlier interview, you mentioned your close ties with China,Had you ever been to China before that? What is the most impressive thing about China you have learned after getting here?


Michel Malherbe: I arrived in China almost twenty years ago, and I worked a number of years here, then I moved to Singapore, and I also worked four years as council general of Belgium in Hong Kong, so that gives me ten years in a broadly speaking Asian or Chinese environment. I could feel the very fast change, and it was totally different twenty years ago. There are something that we are trying to capitalize on everyday in our daily life. That provides a lot of opportunities to make people benefit on the daily basis of the cooperation between China and Europe.


Xinhuanet: It is said that Belgium is like an unfolded scroll, with all kinds of picturesque scenes, such as ancient castles, metropolis and natural landscapes. Sir, would you please introduce the beautiful Belgium to our netizens? For those who want to study or tour in Belgium, what do you have for them in recommendation?


Michel Malherbe: Belgium lies at the heart of Europe, it itself is small in Europe, a miniature version of Europe. It’s a bit of patch work. The country has 11 million inhabitants, and is only about 350 kilometers long. But in that short distance and short surface, you have people of very different backgrounds. You have people speaking German, of Germanic origin in the north. You have people speaking French, of more Latin origin in the south. You have small German-speaking minority, and in the middle of that, you have the capital city of Europe where all kinds of languages have been spoken and where I would say English is the everyday language. If you want to visit Europe, you are very inspired to start from Belgium, because you can find everything in a nutshell. From there, you can travel very easily, just one hour to London, to Paris, to Rotterdam, to German cities. So we look at ourselves as the heart of Europe, not only politically, but also physically and geographically.


