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爱思英语编者按:卫塞节(VESAK DAY)是佛陀出生、成道觉悟、逝世的一天。佛陀出生于公元前624年5月月圆日(相当于夏历四月十五月圆日),出生地是今尼泊尔蓝毗尼。经中国佛教协会前会长赵朴初居士提议,汉传佛教界以夏历四月十五日为“佛吉祥日”,以与国际佛教界一同庆祝。每年卫塞节的日期根据历法而定,是在五月的月圆之日。将这天(或数天)列作公众假期的包括斯里兰卡、马来西亚、缅甸、泰国、新加坡、越南等国。鉴于卫塞节已获得联合国承认,因此,国际上的正式名称是“联合国卫塞节”(United Nations Day of Vesak)。

Message on the Day of Vesak

13 May 2014

On Vesak Day, which marks the birth, enlightenment and passing of the Buddha, the United Nations joins millions of people – Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike – in reflecting on his life and teachings.


The Buddha’s message of peace, compassion and love for all living beings tells us to open our hearts and embrace all members of our human family, especially those in need. These timeless teachings can help guide governments and the international community.

They can inspire our efforts to address many of the broader challenges confronting our world – in peace and security, in development and in the protection of our environment. In each of these areas, we have to rise above narrow self-interest, and think and act as members of one global community.


On this Day of Vesak, let us pledge to work together for the common good, and for the betterment of all humankind. In that spirit, I offer my best wishes for a memorable and joyous Vesak Day.

