Dead Man, Thinking
i. Snow geese in the light of morning sky, exactly at the start of spring. I was looking through the cracks of the blinds at my future which seemed absent of parades, for which I was grateful, and only yesterday I watched what an April wind could do to a body wrapped in silk, though I turned my eyes away, the way the teacher says, once the beauty was revealed. ii How long it takes to die, in the fifty-fifth year is what I thought about today. I told some truths so large, no one could bear to hear them. I bow down to those who could not hear the truth. They could not hear the truth because they were afraid that it would open a veil into nothing. I bow down to that nothing. I bow down to a single red planet I saw in the other world's sky, spinning, as if towards some fleshy inevitability. I bow down to the red planet. I bow down to the noisy birds, indigenous to this region. Only sorrow can bend you in half like you've seen on those whose loves have gone away. I bow down to those loves. |