the paps of dana
the paps of dana james stephens 月神的奶头 吉姆肆·斯弟芬司 the moutains stand and stare around, they are far too proud to speak, altho'they are rooted in the ground up they go,peak after peak, before the tallest house,and still soaring over tree and hill until you'd think they'd never stop going up,top over top, into the clouds——still i mark that a sparrow pr a lark flying just as high can sing as if he'd not done anything. i think the mountains ought to be taught a little modesty. 山岳巍然,雄视八荒, 气象庄严,无声无响, 植根大地,负势竟上。 洪涛排空,群峰低昂, 超越宫殿,凌彼森岗, 高入云表,争霸争王, 不思举止,徒逞豪强。 我观云鸟,载翱载翔, 飞抵上苍,尽情歌唱, 自由自在,毫不夸张。 告彼山岳,宜稍谦让, 戒骄戒躁,好自思量。 |