During the Spring and Autumn Period(770-476B.C.).there was a man whose name was Yu Boya.Yu boya famous music master at that time, having a good command of the temperament and superb skills in playing the musical instrument.He was bright and eager to learn when he was young.He had formally acknowledged several experts as his teachers,and his skills in playing the musical instrument had already reached a fairly high level.But he still felt that he could not superbly express the various things which had deeply impressed him.Knowing what was in his mind,his teacher took him to the penglai Island,a fabled abode of immortals,on the East China Sea by boat.On the island,his teacher let him enjoy the natural scenarios and listen to the roaring of the great waves.looking into the distance,Boya saw that the waves were turbulent and that the white breakers leapt skywards.Sea birds were circling in the air,and their crying was very pleasant to the ear.Trees were green and intriguing feeling welled up in his mind,as if he had heard the harmonious and charming music of nature.He couldn't help taking his musical instrument and playing it .He followed his inclinations while he was playing,and incorporated the beautiful nature with his music,thus reaching a realm of thought he had never experienced before.Seeing this,the teacher said to hime,''You have mastered the art of playing." 一夜伯牙乘船游览。面对清风明月,他思绪万千,于是又弹起琴来,琴声悠扬,渐入佳境。忽听岸上有人叫绝。伯牙闻声走出船来,只见一个樵夫站在岸边,他知道此人是知音当即请樵夫上船,兴致勃勃地为他演奏。伯牙弹起赞美高山的曲调,樵夫说道:“真好!雄伟而庄重,好像高耸入云的泰山一样!”当他弹奏表现奔腾澎湃的波涛时,樵夫又说:“真好!宽广浩荡,好像看见滚滚的流水,无边的大海一般!”伯牙兴奋色了,激动地说:“知音!你真是我的知音。”这个樵夫就是钟子期。从此二人成了非常要好的朋友。 故事出自《列子·汤问》。成语“高山流水”,比喻知己或知音,也比喻音乐优美。 |