The Love for a child
Once a farmer led a cow to slaughter, but the cow would not go. The farmer started to drag the cow by force, but the cow planted her feet firmly in the ground and would not be moved. What did the famer do? He brought the cow's calf and led her ahead, and the mother followed the calf, not by force, but of her own free will. 有一次,农夫要牵一头母牛去屠宰,母牛不愿意去。于是,农夫使劲而拽它,可是,母牛双脚牢牢地钉在地上,就是不愿意被牵走。 农夫怎么办的呢?他把小牛犊领来,牵着它走在前面,英语小故事牛妈妈便心甘情愿地跟着后面,农夫也就不用再费劲去拽它了。 |