An Oak and a Willow 橡树和柳树
There happened a controversy between an oak and a willow, upon the subject of strength, constancy, and patience, and which of the two should have the preference. The oak upbraided(责骂) the willow, that it was weak and wavering, and gave way to every blast. The willow made no other reply, than that the next tempest(暴风雨) should resolve that question. Some very little while after this dispute, it blew a violent storm. The willow plied, and gave way to the gust, and still recovered itself again, without receiving any damage, but the oak was stubborn, and chose rather to break than bend.
橡树和柳树发生了争执,比谁在力量、稳定性和柔韧性上更有优势,看谁更应得到人们的偏爱。橡树指责柳树,说他柔弱,摇摆不定,疾风一来就随风倒。柳树只说句暴风雨中自见高低胜负,便不再多言。 不久,狂风大作,柳树随风摇摆,终又恢复了原样,没有受到任何损伤。可是,橡树很倔强,宁愿被折断也不愿意弯腰屈身。 |