Dong guochang, a person of the state Qi, had always dreamt to be a millionaire, and planned how to spend the imaginary money. One of his students wanted to borrow some money from him because he could barely make a living. Not only did Dong Guochang refused him, but also he told his student, "I am going to use this money to buy a position in the government, so that I can bring glory to my family. So I cannot lend you the money." Angered by his word, the student left him in a pet and went to state Song. 齐人东郭敞一直梦想拥有万贯家财,并时时计划如何花掉这些未来的还没到手的钱。 他的一个学生因生活困难,想请老师周济一下,借他两个钱用用,东郭敞不但不答应,而且还认真地说:“我正准备用这些计划中的钱去买个官儿来做,以便光耀门庭,钱不能借给你。” 学生听后,大为愤怒,一气之下,便离开他,投奔齐国去了。 |