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The Various Delegation

  THE King of Wideout having been offered the sovereignty of Wayoff,
sent for the Three Persons who had made the offer, and said to

  "I am extremely obliged to you, but before accepting so great a
responsibility I must ascertain the sentiments of the people of

  "Sire," said the Spokesman of the Three Persons, "they stand before

  "Indeed!" said the King; "are you, then, the people of Wayoff?"

  "Yes, your Majesty."

  "There are not many of you," the King said, attentively regarding
them with the royal eye, "and you are not so very large; I hardly
think you are a quorum.  Moreover, I never heard of you until you
came here; whereas Wayoff is noted for the quality of its pork and
contains hogs of distinction.  I shall send a Commissioner to
ascertain the sentiments of the hogs."

  The Three Persons, bowing profoundly, backed out of the presence;
but soon afterward they desired another audience, and, on being
readmitted, said, through their Spokesman:

  "May it please your Majesty, we are the hogs."
