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A Valuable Suggestion

  A BIG Nation having a quarrel with a Little Nation, resolved to
terrify its antagonist by a grand naval demonstration in the
latter's principal port.  So the Big Nation assembled all its ships
of war from all over the world, and was about to send them three
hundred and fifty thousand miles to the place of rendezvous, when
the President of the Big Nation received the following note from
the President of the Little Nation:

  "My great and good friend, I hear that you are going to show us
your navy, in order to impress us with a sense of your power.  How
needless the expense!  To prove to you that we already know all
about it, I inclose herewith a list and description of all the
ships you have."

  The great and good friend was so struck by the hard sense of the
letter that he kept his navy at home, and saved one thousand
million dollars.  This economy enabled him to buy a satisfactory
decision when the cause of the quarrel was submitted to
