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Six and One

  THE Committee on Gerrymander worked late, drawing intricate lines
on a map of the State, and being weary sought repose in a game of
poker.  At the close of the game the six Republican members were
bankrupt and the single Democrat had all the money.  On the next
day, when the Committee was called to order for business, one of
the luckless six mounted his legs, and said:

  "Mr. Chairman, before we bend to our noble task of purifying
politics, in the interest of good government I wish to say a word
of the untoward events of last evening.  If my memory serves me the
disasters which overtook the Majority of this honourable body
always befell when it was the Minority's deal.  It is my solemn
conviction, Mr. Chairman, and to its affirmation I pledge my life,
my fortune, and my sacred honour, that that wicked and unscrupulous
Minority redistricted the cards!"
