Curing Baldness 治秃头
Once, there was a man who was bothered by total baldness. In winter, he felt particularly cold, while in summer, the heat scorched his head, bitten by mosquitoes and gadflies, he had no peace day or night. It came to his knowledge that there was a doctor who knew many cures. So the bald man called on him at his residence and implored him, "Master, please cure my illness." But the doctor was bald too. He removed his turban(头巾,无檐帽) and told his patient, "You see? I am also bothered by baldness. If I could cure the disease, I ought first to rid myself of it." 过去有一个人,头上没有头发。 冬天大受寒冷,夏天则苦恼于太阳暴晒之热,加上蚊虻叮咬,昼夜不得安宁,十分痛苦。 有一位医师,懂得很多医道方法,这个秃子便来到医师的住所,对医师说:“我只希望大师您能替我治好他。”而那个医师也是个秃子,于是他就脱下帽子来给那个人看,对他说:“我也得了这个病,也为它感到非常痛苦。如果我能把你的病治好的话,我早就先把自己治好,除去这种痛苦了。” |