Mountain Yangdu is a sheer and serene mountain, and is a inclement place. But it is home to black bears. Black bears loathe blood in nature. If a black bear gets scratched by thorns when crossing a gorge, it will scratch the wound with its claw in order to remove the bloodstains. But it doesn't know that blood and flesh are not separable and when there is more and more blood and flesh are not separable and when there is more and more blood coming out, it will tear off the flesh. Seeing the blood pouring out and can not be stopped, it will be angered and keep scratching until it gets to its stopped, it will be angered and keep scratching until it gets to its own guts and tear apart its viscera and die. 阳都山峻峭幽深,环境险恶,是黑熊的乐园。 黑熊生性厌恶血,如果一只黑熊在越过峡谷时,被荆棘刮伤,它就会用爪子去抓这个地方,想把血迹抓掉,但它不知道血和肉密不可分。当血迹越流越多时,黑熊忍不住把出血的肉一把抓下来,眼看鲜血涌泉而出,止不住的黑熊恼羞成怒,就顺着流血的地方往里抓,一直要到抓断自己的肠子,抓碎自己的内脏,把自己抓死为止。 |