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日本小公主游玩迪斯尼 面对公众不知所措


Japan's Child Princess Gets Taste of Disney

日本小公主游玩迪斯尼 面对公众不知所措上周,日本皇太子德仁夫妇带领4岁的小公主爱子刚游玩了动物园,这周一(13日),他们又来到了东京迪斯尼乐园。不过,很少出游的小公主面对公众时还是显得有些不知所措。




    Japan's 4-year-old Princess Aiko has been getting a weekly dose of life outside the palace and what children her age go through as she prepares to start nursery school in April.

    Aiko, a big fan of the ancient sport of sumo, according to her father Crown Prince Naruhito, appeared a bit perplexed, if not scared, by the welcome she received by the Magic Kingdom's symbols, Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

    Dressed in a pale blue coat and grey trousers, Aiko shrank back and clung to her mother, Crown Princess Masako, when the characters approached to shake hands.

    She later recovered her composure enough to wave to waiting crowds after boarding an open-sided car with her smiling parents.

    The weekly outings have also given Masako more public exposure as the 42-year-old former career diplomat copes with a stress-related mental condition believed to have been brought on by the pressures of adapting to court life.

    Masako has cut down on official duties over the past two years and will not accompany Naruhito on his trip to Mexico later this week, but the prince said on Friday that she was now feeling better and looking forward to Aiko starting nursery school.
