The question of what happens after we die remains one of life's greatest mysteries, with no real way of knowing what lies ahead. But people who have been pronounced clinically dead for a period of time, believe they may have the answer. Taking to Reddit, people who believe they can give an insight into what happens after you die shared a range of stories from simply feeling peace to encountering loved ones who have already passed away, and even God. One woman said she wasn't afraid of death anymore after witnessing a beautiful place full of happy people and happy dogs as a child. Alarmingly, though, one person said he had been to hell and saw the devil who was like a 'giant fire ant walking on lava'. 来看看这些起死回生的人所讲述的死后经历。 A man believes he went to hell and even saw the devil when he was clinically dead after an overdose.
One person described death as nothingness, yet incredibly peaceful.
One person experienced a feeling of emptiness before seeing bright lights and joining what they felt was 'universal consciousness' .
我记得的是一片广阔的虚无。那个场景难以描述,因为无论我们去哪,我们周围都会有点什么。 突然在广阔的虚无中,一阵针眼大小的耀眼光芒越来越大。感觉不是我在走近它就是它在靠近我。越靠越近的时候,原来的一束光变成了起初一颗,接着几点,最后成千上万不同形状、大小、颜色的星星以及无数星云。 那是我见过的最美的东西。当我走近中心时,我觉得我正走入宇宙意识之中——一个由曾经生活过的不同人、不同事物的想法、情感和经验所组成的存在。 我确定这只是由于我几天的创伤以及我的心脏或呼吸骤停所带来的幻觉。但是我依然希望我看到的就是我们在死后会发生的。 A Reddit users shared what happened to his uncle, who ended up sitting at a picnic table in the park, the only place he'd ever been happy, after he died.
One man's brother saw black gates and heard a voice telling him that it wasn't his time to go yet.
他是一个非常非常坚定的无神论者,我认为这段经历吓到他了。 A woman in her 60s isn't afraid of death anymore after visiting a beautiful and peaceful place as a child.
我认为这些经历或者是以一种孩子能理解的方式展示在他们面前,或者是我的潜意识告诉我如果我想活着,我就得战斗。无论经历是什么,我需要作出清晰分明的选择,我做出了选择并且这个选择成真了。近60年过去了,我还在这个世上好好活着。我期待以后的某一天我自然死亡然后永远住在那个漂亮的地方。我迫不及待! 我知道这段经历使我完全不惧怕死亡。我不想死,但是如果我今天被一辆公车撞了,没关系,真的完全没关系。 这段经历还使我强烈深刻感受到,我看到的那个漂亮的地方是我真正的家园,我在地球上的生活是短暂的,不是永久的。因为我那时很小所以很难解释清楚,但是我认为那段经历永远改变了我的世界观,尽管那时我还小。 One man's father has experienced death multiple times and has seen a queue of people from all backgrounds waiting on the other side.
Did they meet god? An individual describes a man in long white robes in a place full of peace and love.
A person who had always believed in heaven had their faith confirmed when they briefly died and met a late friend who told him it wasn't his time to go yet.
不说前面的细节了,我被送入紧急手术室。在这之前我已经失去意识。过了一会儿我“梦”到我在一个白白的地方,家具也是白色的,在那里我和我一位最好的朋友聊起了天。我们喝着酒,吹着牛皮,然后他说“对不起**(我的名字),你的时候还没到。”然后我在重症救护室醒来,我说的第一句话是我那个朋友的名字。我知道这个是因为我的父母和姐姐都听到了。一周半后,在我父母离开时,医生告诉我他们没有和我父母说的事情。我的心脏停止跳动,所以做了三次心脏起搏。一次是在手术前,两次是在手术中。作为一个基督徒,我一直相信天堂的存在,但是现在我知道它就在那,我差点就可以见到了,但是那时候我并不知道。 After dying for a period of time after drowning, one man felt like he'd had a very long day full of lights and stars. 去年我因为溺水差点死了,这个经历改变了我。我死了大概几分钟。但是他们成功把我拖出水,并且把我救活。 我不知道我死了多久。他们说在沙滩上把我弄醒大概花了两分钟。但是死后的经历似乎非常漫长。基本上我目所能及的都是一片黑暗,黑暗里面有非常多的光,光变成星星,星星变成一种我无法形容的东西。我什么也感受不到。但是回头看看,我觉得那一天非常非常漫长,真是个奇怪的经历。 The idea that your life flashes before your eyes is true, according to this Redditor. 我因为心脏骤停死了约五到十分钟。周围很黑很冷,倒放了我这辈子做过的事情。虽然很像幻觉,但是全部都非常形象生动。突然我感受到了心脏复苏术,然后我大口大口吸气。因为周围的管子和线,医生和护士都得抓着我,好让我在手术台上不动。(我当时在医院) This man's father felt weightless in the dark after his heart stopped. 这是发生在我爸爸身上的故事。他告诉我周围一片漆黑,他感受到了有生以来最为平和且失重的感觉。然后世界之光从一个孔中透进来,这个孔不停变大。他还说他觉得自己又重新附在了自己的身体上,而且感觉身体重达千钧。 |