The Beijing-based app was founded in late 2016, and describes itself as the world’s first “time-trading platform” that helps “unearth people’s potential” and “helps people see who they want to see.” 该公司会与一些网红、明星、企业家、创业者等具有变现潜质的名人签约,以相对低价买断其部分时间,然后再将时间拆分成秒,让投资者申购后在其交易平台上交易,整个过程类似于股票公开发行的“打新”以及之后的二级市场交易。用户持有的名人时间达到一定数量后,可以兑换行权服务。线上行权1秒起售,线下2小时起售。 The platform profits by charging a 3 percent service fee on all exchanges. To put users at ease, all transactions are managed through the online payment platform of tech giant Sina. According to the app, an average month sees users trade 300 to 400 million yuan ($45-60 million) in seconds of celebrities’ time. The market is primarily driven by China’s growing fan economy: Every second bought can be cashed in for celebrity interactions. One second gets you one line in a text-based chat, while voice or video calls cost a minimum of 600 seconds. Those hoping to meet the celebrity in person must redeem a minimum of 7,200 seconds. The app’s homepage displays a counter showing how many celebrity seconds have been spent: 3.19 million at the time of writing. Beneath, featured celebrities entice users to buy their time.
Zhang Yuan, lead singer of the Mandopop boy band “Top Combine”, offers seconds that can be redeemed for a personalized recording to be used as a ring tone or alarm. One grateful comment reads, “My little sister is super happy, thank you, kind Zhang Yuan!” “秒啊”交易平台的设计类似股市大盘,每位名人的时间价值都配有代码、时间指数、K线图、成交量等。与股票交易相类似,“秒啊”也设置了相关交易规则。
Business-savvy users can also opt to trade their celebrity seconds in an open exchange. Similar to a stock market, the value of each celebrity’s seconds fluctuates. Trading hours are set from Monday to Saturday. “秒啊”平台的名人时间价格也有涨跌停板,最高涨跌幅可达100%。 It is the trading function that has raised questions among legal experts. On Tuesday, The Paper, reported that despite having government approval as an app, Miao A harbors financial risks and technical bugs. Liu Xinyu, an attorney at Dentons Law Offices in Shanghai, told The Paper that despite the platform’s bold claims, “time” is not a commodity that can be traded, and the app violates regulations for stock exchanges. The Paper also found that most celebrities’ seconds follow the same pattern: On the day they’re issued, they increase in value rapidly from their initial price, before hitting a peak and dropping back down to their starting price. Most then remain fairly stable. 名人的时间价格呈明显倒“V”字型。有用户在开始下跌的首日大量抛售,也有用户在最后一个涨停日大笔买入。专家警告,从长远来看,当一个平台变得很大时,倘若用户纷纷开始追逐高收益而频繁转让手中的“时间”,当为赚快钱的投机者数量远超过为行权兑换而买入时间的黏性粉丝时,投机风险隐患不可小觑。 |