鸡年临近末尾,狗年即将到来。今年,你打算在哪里过年?回家的票买好了吗? 在我们忙着置办年货,为家人准备礼物,一颗心早就提前一个月飞回家中的时候,其他国家也纷纷加入,有的发行狗年吉利钱,有的发行狗年纪念邮票,还有的干脆申请将春节认定为当地的正式节日。 各国庆祝春节的花样有多少?我们来为大家说一说。 美国 发行吉利钱 美国东部时间2017年11月15日,美国财政部造币和印钞局发行狗年“吉利钱”。 造币和印钞局局长莱昂纳德•奥利亚称,这是该局发行的第二轮生肖“吉利钱”的第五个产品。从2000年开始发售生肖“吉利钱”以来,该局迄今已发布29套产品,售出200万各种样式的“吉利钱”。 The Year of the Dog 2018 product is designed with decorative Chinese symbolism and is packaged in a symbolic, red folder with embossed, gold foil. This product features an uncirculated, $1 note with a serial number beginning with "8888," the number Chinese associate with luck. 加州参议员提议认定中国农历为正式节日 美国加州两位参议员Scott Wiener 和Richard Pan提交议案,希望将中国农历新年正式认定为节日,并将在加州公立学校教授中国农历新年的历史和常识。 Senate Bill 892 designates the Lunar New Year a day of special significance in California and requires the governor to honor it annually. The bill also encourages all public schools and educational institutions to conduct exercises recognizing the traditions and cultural significance of Lunar New Year, the contributions of Asian and Pacific Islander Californians to the state and any local festivities and celebrations for the occasion. 纽约:欢乐春节•上海文化周 “欢乐春节•上海文化周”系列活动1月9日正式在美国纽约市拉开帷幕。 "Happy Chinese New Year-Shanghai Week" was kicked off with Chinese traditional cultural performances by Shanghai university students at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York. Chinese classical music, folk dance, traditional opera and martial arts were performed by teachers and students from various universities in Shanghai, allowing New York audiences a chance to experience Chinese folk arts. Other events include Shanghai Film Week, Shanghai Screen Week, Shanghai Flavor cultural heritage exhibition, Amazing Shanghai photo exhibition and Overlord musical theater performance. 旧金山:农历新年大游行 旧金山是北美大陆的第一个华埠,是早期中国移民踏上北美的第一站。旧金山的中国春节游行最早可追溯至1858年。因为淘金热而大量涌入的中国移民,将中国的鼓乐花灯传统与美国的游行形式加以融合,并推动市政确立了相当稳定的游行活动。在一个半世纪的发展过程中,旧金山春节游行不断壮大规模,目前已经成为中国本土之外影响最大的春节庆祝活动。 San Francisco is among a few jurisdictions in California that have already designated Lunar New Year as an official school holiday. The state board of education recognized Lunar New Year as a festival of special relevance in its third grade curriculum in 2016. The Lunar New Year celebration in San Francisco Chinatown is considered the oldest and the largest of its kind outside of Asia and dates back to the 1860s. The Chinese New Year Parade is ranked among the top 10 parades in the world. The San Francisco Chinese New Year Festival and Parade is an annual event held for approximately two weeks following the first day of the Chinese New Year, it combines elements of the Chinese Lantern Festival with a typical American parade. |