我们多多少少会遇到一些身体上的“小毛病”,比如腹胀、长粉刺、舌苔发白、生溃疡等等。很多人觉得这不算什么大事,过些天也许自己就好了,但有时这却是身体给我们发出的健康警告,你的健康状况可能亮红灯了! 1. Bloated tummy 腹胀 A staggering 70 percent of us have reported suffering from regular bloating. 多达70%的人经常腹胀。 Your body is basically trying to tell you you're not digesting your food properly or that you have a food allergy or intolerance such as to wheat or lactose. 你的身体其实是想告诉你,消化吸收出现了问题,或者出现了食物过敏或小麦、乳糖等不耐受的情况。 'Other common causes of bloating include hormonal issues, candida, constipation, too much sugar or booze, stress, dysbiosis (an imbalance between the good and bad bacteria in our digestive tract) or IBS,' said nutritionist Rick Hay. 营养学家瑞克-海因说:“其他常见的腹胀原因包括激素问题、念珠菌感染、便秘、吃糖或饮酒过多、压力、生态失调(消化道有益菌和有害菌不平衡)、或者肠易激综合征。” Simply eating too much at once can also dilute down the acid in our stomach, rendering it unable to start breaking down the food efficiently. 一次进食过多也会稀释胃酸,使其无法有效分解食物。 Furthermore, enzymes that act optimally at a lower, more acidic pH, cannot function as well which means that food remains only partially digested and needs to be broken down further. 而且,消化酶在更低的偏酸性PH值环境下活性最佳,进食过多时消化酶也无法起效,这意味着食物只有部分被消化,尚需进一步分解。 This is usually done by bacteria in the gut and the consequent fermentation process results in the release of gases that may also cause bloating. 这一步骤通常由肠道细菌完成,随后的发酵过程会产生气体,也会导致腹胀。 2. Red inflamed skin and acne 红肿的皮肤和粉刺 According to a 2013 review, the causes of skin inflammation and acne are many and will vary from person to person. 根据2013年的一项研究,导致皮肤发炎和粉刺的原因有很多,因人而异。 However, the most common causes are often hormone-related. The review explains that testosterone is the hormone that promotes acne the most so acne is a big issue for males and teenage boys in particular. 但最常见的原因与激素有关。研究解释说,睾酮最能刺激皮肤长粉刺,因此男性和十几岁的男孩们通常都面临粉刺的问题。 But women also tend to get acne flare ups about one week before their menstruation starts due to a dip in oestrogen levels which, funnily enough, prevent the development of acne. 但在经期前一周,女性也很容易突然长粉刺,因为此时她们体内的雌激素含量突然下降,有趣的是,雌激素恰好可以抑制粉刺。 'When you get acne, your body may also be trying to alert you to an underlying hormonal or digestive disturbance,' said Mr Hay. 海因说:“如果你长了粉刺,身体也可能是想提醒你,你的激素水平可能出了问题,或者消化道功能紊乱。” 'It could also be a result of liver imbalance, poor diet especially if you eat too much carbohydrate, stress and allergies amongst other things.' “也可能是肝功能紊乱,饮食不良,特别是如果你吃了太多的碳水化合物、压力过大、或者过敏等等。” Red inflamed acne with a white discharge is usually indicative of excess carbohydrate consumption and bacterial overgrowth. 有白头的红肿粉刺通常预示着你摄入了太多的碳水化合物,且体内有细菌过快生长。 3. White coating on the tongue 舌苔发白 A thin white coating on the tongue can be indicative of digestive disturbances such as microbiome imbalance, iron or B vitamin deficiency and possibly diabetes. 舌头表面有一层薄薄的白舌苔可能表明你消化道功能紊乱,比如消化道微生物不平衡,体内缺铁和B族维生素,还可能有糖尿病。 'In the case of iron and vitamin B deficiency it is quite likely you will be feeling constantly tired,' Mr Hay said. 海因说:“如果是因为缺铁和B族维生素,你可能总是觉得疲惫。” 'Thick, white spots on the tongue that look like pus are more likely to be oral thrush, leukoplakia, or oral lichen planus. “如果舌苔又白又厚,像是发脓,那更可能是患上了鹅口疮、黏膜白斑病、或者口腔扁平苔癣。” 4. Vertical and horizontal nail ridges 指甲上的横纹或竖纹 Healthy looking nails should be smooth, curved, with a shine to them and have no spots. 健康的指甲应该是光滑、有弧度、有光泽且无斑点。 The thing about nails is that they can cause potentially serious self-image and self-esteem harm. 指甲也可能严重影响你的自我形象和自尊心。 Nail ridges themselves are nothing to be overly concerned about as far as physical health goes but if untreated, they can pose a social problem. 如果从身体健康的角度看,指甲纹路本身并没什么可过于担心的。但如果不处理,可能会导致社交问题。 'That is not to say, however, that you shouldn't have them checked out by your GP just to be on the safe side,' Mr Hay said. 海因说:“但为了确保万无一失,你还是应该让医生检查你的指甲。” Vertical ridges - not horizontal - can be a sign of anaemia or even rheumatoid arthritis, Medical News Today reports. 据今日医学新闻网站报道,指甲上的竖纹(不是横纹)可能预示着贫血,甚至类风湿关节炎。 5. Cold sores and mouth ulcers 唇疱疹和口内溃疡 'For starters, mouth ulcers are found on the inside of the mouth on the gums, tongue and inner cheeks whereas cold sores develop on the outside on the lips. 海因说:“首先,口内溃疡是长在嘴里面的,比如牙龈、舌头和内侧脸颊,而唇疱疹长在嘴唇上。” 'Most importantly, whilst mouth ulcers are indicative of a weakening immune system, they are non-contagious. “最重要的是,口内溃疡意味着我们免疫力较弱,但它并不通过接触传染。” 'Cold sores on the other hand are a manifestation of a dormant viral infection which flares up whenever our immune system becomes compromised for whatever reason. “但唇疱疹意味着你的体内有处于休眠状态的病毒性感染,免疫力低下或者在其他诱因下就会突然爆发。” 'They often start popping up as the weather gets colder and in times of stress both of which can weaken our body's innate protective systems.' “它们通常在天气转冷或者人们压力大时突然生出来,这两者都会削弱人体的自身保护机制。” 6. Yellowing of the eyes and/or skin 眼白或皮肤发黄 'Whereas yellowing of the skin may be attributed to an excess intake of beta carotene, vitamin A and vitamin C, in which case it usually poses no threat, yellowing of the eyes is usually observed in people whose livers may be in trouble. “皮肤发黄可能是因为摄入了过多的胡萝卜素、维生素A和维生素C,一般没什么危害。但眼白发黄的人可能肝脏不好。” 'Jaundice occurs when a compound called bilirubin builds up in the body. “当胆红素在体内淤积时,人会患上黄疸。” 'The yellowing of the skin or eyes can be symptomatic of something more serious but they are all fundamentally either directly or indirectly related to the health status of the liver.' “眼白或者皮肤发黄可能是更严重疾病的症状,但从根本上说,他们都直接或间接与肝脏的健康有关。” According to the NHS, jaundice can be caused by gallstones, alcoholic liver disease, pancreatitis, hepatitis, sickle cell, amongst others. 据英国国民健康体系,胆结石、酒精性肝病、胰腺炎、肝炎和镰状细胞等疾病都会导致黄疸。 7. Eye twitches 眼皮跳 If your eyes keep on twitching every now again out of nowhere, your body is trying to tell you that your nervous system is not very happy. 如果你总是莫名其妙地眼皮跳,你的身体是想告诉你,你的神经系统出了点儿问题。 But don't panic, eye twitches are rarely a sign of anything to be concerned about and more often than not will stop by themselves. 但不要慌,眼皮跳没什么可担心的,通常自己会停下来。 'Electrolyte imbalance and the hydration status of your body are quite often the culprits of nerve spasms and these can be easily fixed,' Mr Hay said. 海因说:“神经痉挛症的罪魁祸首通常是电解质紊乱和身体的水化状态。这些问题很容易解决。” Eye twitches can also signify a magnesium deficiency. 眼皮跳也可能表示体内缺镁。 A recent article published in June this year on the scientific journal Nutrients by the American University of Washington reported that 'from a neurological standpoint, magnesium plays an essential role in nerve transmission and neuromuscular conduction.' 今年6月,美国华盛顿大学的研究人员发表在《营养物》科学期刊上的一篇文章指出,“从神经学来看,镁在神经传输和神经肌肉传导中起着重要作用。” Magnesium is essential to nerve signal function, which is why lacking it could be causing your eye twitches. 镁对神经信号功能很重要,因此缺镁可能导致眼皮跳。 |