无印良品现在设计出了一种看着很酷的自动驾驶小巴士,可以全天候运行,预计2020年就可以在芬兰投放了。 Now, Muji is venturing into the autonomous vehicle industry with what is known as the Gacha Shuttle Bus (working name). Loosely resembling a Gacha capsule due to its round form and dual-tone color scheme, the bus comes with ten seats and enough room for six people to stand, accommodating a total of 16 passengers. 整个车身外侧环绕着一圈LED灯,内部装着通讯用的屏幕和圆滑的座椅,整个造型还是比较萌的,开在路上很像玩具。
无印良品这次是和芬兰公司Sensible 4合作的,后者是芬兰著名的自动驾驶研究公司,无印良品已经计划在2019年的3月生产一辆原型车并用上半年的时间来测试赫尔辛基的路况。 据说不管是晴天、下雨或者下雪,这款Gacha小巴都能够安全地把乘客送到目的地。 If successful, the Gacha Shuttle Bus will serve as public transport as early as 2020 in Finland. Given that Japan is currently working hard to craft new legislation that governs the use of self-driving vehicles, perhaps we might even get to see cute Gacha buses shuttling people around during the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. The Muji Hut is initially being made available in conjunction with Japanese company WOULD, which has repurposed a section of land on the site of the old Nagao Elementary School in Chiba Prefecture, which closed down in 2011. The school’s main building has been remodelled to become a multipurpose complex, complete with guestrooms, shower rooms, a shared kitchen, and even a cafe. |