穿紧身裤也成了女生的错?美国一所私立大学近日因一场关于“女大学生该不该穿紧身裤”的论战而“走红”。起因是一位男学生的妈妈吐槽: 紧身裤给男学生太多性暗示了。 "Leggings are so naked, so form fitting, so exposing. Could you think of the mothers of sons the next time you go shopping and consider choosing jeans instead?" a Catholic mother wrote. 一位信仰天主教的母亲说:“紧身裤太赤裸了,太紧身了,太暴露了。姑娘们,下次购物的时候,能不能考虑下那些有儿子的母亲的感受 ,买牛仔裤而不是紧身裤?” Maryann White urged female students to stop wearing leggings in a letter to the editor last week in The Observer, a student newspaper serving the University of Notre Dame, Saint Mary's and Holy Cross Colleges. 玛丽安-怀特上周在美国圣母大学、圣玛丽大学和圣十字学院校报《观察家报》上发表了一篇读者来信,敦促女学生们不要再穿紧身裤。 She said young women wearing leggings make it harder for men not to look at their bodies. She said she was ashamed for the women she saw wearing leggings and crop tops at a Catholic Mass she attended. 她说,年轻女性穿紧身裤会让男性很难不盯着她们的身体看。她说自己有一次参加天主教弥撒,看到一些女性穿着紧身裤和露脐上衣,她为这些人感到羞愧。 crop top:露脐上衣
"You couldn't help but see those blackly naked rear ends. I didn't want to see them — but they were unavoidable. How much more difficult for young guys to ignore them," White wrote. 她写道:“很多人都会控制不住看向包裹在黑色紧身裤里光滑的臀部。我也不想看,但是还是会瞄到。要年轻的男性们克制不去看,太难了。” White also blamed the entertainment and fashion industries for making it hard on Catholic women to teach their sons that women should be respected. 她还将之归咎于娱乐和时尚行业,使天主教女性难以教育儿子们要尊重女性。 卖紧身裤的老板内心OS:都是我的错... The letter blaming women's clothes for men's sexual behavior inspired students at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana to organize a movement and wear leggings to protest White's views. 这封将男性的性行为归咎于女性衣着的信促使美国印第安纳州圣母大学的学生们组织了一场运动,穿紧身裤抗议怀特的观点。 在校学生安妮-贾勒特在推特上发出她穿短款紧身裤,做高抬腿动作的照片。 Anne Jarrett, a junior majoring in philosophy and gender studies, is also an activist at Irish 4 Reproductive Health, a campus advocacy group for reproductive rights. She helped create the protest and a Facebook event called Leggings Pride Day. 安妮-贾勒特是哲学和性别研究专业的三年级学生,也是爱尔兰第四生殖健康机构的一名活动家,这是校园中的一个生育权宣传小组。她帮助开展了这次抗议活动,并在脸书上发起了“紧身裤骄傲日”的活动。 “一位信仰天主教的母亲在圣母大学校报上发表一篇文章,称女人的紧身裤让男人堕落。我们想抗议这个观点。男人堕落不是我们的责任,我们也不想时常被一些人自以为是的道德观念和女权主义审视。” Jarrett, 21, wasn't surprised by White's point of view because she heard similar arguments in catechism classes and in Catholic school while growing up. There's a double standard around modesty, she said. 21岁的贾勒特对怀特的观点并不感到意外,因为在成长过程中,她在教理问答课和天主教学校中听到过类似的言论。她说,关于谦逊稳重,人们存在双重标准。 Faculty and students from a diverse array of ages, races and genders expressed their support of wearing leggings and posted on social media. People from other parts of the country shared their support as well. 不同年龄、种族和性别的教职员工和学生都表达了对穿紧身裤的支持,并在社交媒体发帖声援。美国其他地区的民众也表达了支持。 来源:推特 Jarrett was impressed by people's responses to the movement. 贾勒特因人们的反响深受感动。 "My guy friends have sent pictures to me in leggings. People in classes have said, 'Look at all of the guys in my class wearing leggings today.'" Jarrett said. 她说:“我的男性朋友还发来身穿紧身裤的照片,课堂上人们说,‘看今天有那么多男生都穿了紧身裤’。” 一位男性在Ins账号上,发布一张他穿紫色紧身裤的照片。 这位男性还呼吁大家用更包容的眼光,看待他人的穿着: 我喜欢紫色,我也喜欢紧身裤。所以我特别爱紫色的紧身裤。 表达得更严肃一点就是:我希望大家努力不去贬低他人的穿着。时尚是多元的。那些审视他人的群体才需要辨明事实。#leggingsdayND
然而抗议活动也遭到一些人的非议。 Many people, some of whom tend to shame women and harass them online, were not on board with the leggings protest. 很多人不赞成这场紧身裤抗议,他们当中有些人在网上羞辱并攻击女性。 harass['hærəs; hə'ræs]:vt.使困扰;使烦恼;反复袭击 Jarrett received sexually inappropriate comments on Twitter when she posted her pictures with short leggings. But in the end, she didn't want to focus her attention on the negativity. 贾勒特上传了身穿短款紧身裤的照片后,在推特上收到了一些性别不当言论。但她决定不予理睬。 "College women have most likely been picking out our own clothes for a long time and we are going to continue to do so," Jarrett said. 她说:“大学女生一直都是自己选衣服穿,我们还会继续这么做。” |