向员工劝酒、要求员工跑腿泡咖啡、下班后给员工安排工作……根据韩国最新出台的《禁止职场欺凌法》,今后员工可实名举报这些职场欺凌行为,欺凌者最高可判三年监禁。 South Korea has introduced tough new workplace anti-bullying laws with penalties that include jail for employers in some cases. 韩国最新出台了严厉的《禁止职场欺凌法》,在某些情况下,雇主将被判入狱。 It marks the first time the country has required employers take action against harassment. 这是韩国首次要求雇主对职场欺凌采取行动。 Workers will be able to report behavior such as gossiping or being forced to attend company functions. 员工可以举报诸如传播流言蜚语或被迫参加公司活动等行为。 Harassment in the workplace is widespread in South Korea with about 70% of employees reportedly affected. 韩国职场欺凌现象十分普遍,据报道,大约70%的员工曾有此类遭遇。 Under the laws, employers are prohibited from taking any measures - including dismissal - against a victim or employee who has reported workplace bullying. 根据这项法律,雇主不得采取任何措施——包括解雇——来对付受害者或举报职场欺凌的员工。 They face up to three years in prison or a fine of up to 30 million won. 违反法律的雇主将面临最高三年的监禁或最高3000万韩元(约合人民币17.5万元)的罚款。 Victims will also be able to apply for compensation if they develop health problems after being harassed at work. 如果受害者遭遇职场欺凌后出现健康问题,他们也可以申请赔偿。 A report by the National Human Rights Commission of Korea found that about 70% of employees in the country have been bullied by their work superiors and colleagues. 韩国国家人权委员会的一份报告发现,韩国约70%的员工受到过上级和同事的欺凌。 It found 60% of victims took no action, while 12% of workers faced harassment every day. 报告称,60%的受害者没有采取任何行动,12%的员工每天都面临欺凌。 据报道,《禁止职场欺凌法》明文规定,用人单位或员工利用其在公司内的地位或关系,超出工作范畴,给予其他员工身体、精神和情绪上的痛苦,或导致工作环境恶化的行为属欺凌行为。 To help companies understand what constitutes bullying, the government published guidelines on the type of behavior that counts as harassment. 为了帮助公司理解什么行为属于职场欺凌,韩国政府发布了关于欺凌行为类型的指南。 Examples included gossiping about colleagues or spreading personal information, as well as forcing someone to drink, smoke or attend a company dinner. 其中列举的例子包括散布同事的流言蜚语或传播个人信息,以及强迫喝酒、抽烟或参加公司聚餐。
让女职员跑腿泡咖啡、强制员工表演才艺、聚餐迟到要求罚酒、下班后给下属发工作指示也属于欺凌行为。 除办公地点外,在社交媒体、出差地点、聚餐场所以及私下见面时出现类似的行为也将被认定为欺凌。 Verbal abuse or embarrassing colleagues in front of others were also listed. 此外,在他人面前辱骂或让同事难堪也被列为职场欺凌。 verbal abuse:言语虐待;口头谩骂
这一新闻也触及了很多中国职场人的“痛点”, 一些网友在呼唤:“中国什么时候也出台?” In the past, South Koreans found it difficult to report abuse, with the lack of a legal framework to protect workers viewed as the main reason why many hesitated to speak out. 过去,韩国人很难举报职场欺凌行为,缺乏保护员工的法律制度被视为许多人不愿对此直言不讳的主要原因。 The legislation is aimed at wiping out so-called workplace "gapjil", which refers to abusive conduct by people in positions of power. 这项立法旨在消除所谓的职场“gapjil”,gapjil指的是上级的职场欺凌行为。 The "nut rage" incident involving Korean Airlines executive was one high-profile example. 大韩航空高管的“坚果愤怒”事件就是一个引人注目的例子。 high-profile [hai'prəufail]:adj.高调的;备受瞩目的
Cho Hyun-ah, daughter of the airline's then chairman Cho Yang-ho, made headlines around the world when she flew into a rage after nuts arrived in a packet and not on a plate on board a Seoul-bound flight from New York. 在从纽约飞往首尔的航班上,时任大韩航空董事长赵亮镐的女儿赵显娥因为空乘人员没有把坚果放在盘子里,而是递给她成袋的坚果而勃然大怒,登上了全球媒体的头条。 The case attracted intense attention in South Korea, re-opening a national debate about the Korean business system, which is dominated by family firms known as chaebols. 这一事件在韩国引起强烈关注,重新引发了有关韩国商业体系的热议。韩国商业体系由各大财阀掌控。 chaebol['tʃæbəul]:n.韩国大企业;韩国财阀 |