新冠肺炎疫情期间,在餐厅用餐怎么才能更安全?为了降低风险,以色列发明者研发了一种有“机械嘴”的口罩,可以让你外出用餐时也不用摘口罩。 Israeli inventors have developed a coronavirus mask with a remote control mouth that lets diners eat food without taking it off, a device they say could make a visit to a restaurant less risky. 以色列发明家发明了一种预防新型冠状病毒的口罩,这种口罩有一个可以远程控制的开口,可以让用餐者不用取下口罩就能用餐。发明者说,这种口罩可以降低去餐厅就餐的风险。 A squeeze of a lever, much like a cyclist operates a handbrake, opens a slot in the front of the mask so that food can pass through. 用餐者只需挤压控制杆,就像骑自行车的时候捏手刹一样,口罩前面就会打开一个狭槽,人们就可以通过把食物送进嘴里。 The process could get messy with ice cream or sauces, but more solid morsels can be gobbled up in a flash a la Pac-Man in the arcade game. 戴着这种口罩吃冰淇淋或酱汁可能很糟糕,但进食固体食物时,可以像街机游戏《吃豆人》里一样,大口瞬间吃掉。 morsel[ˈmɔːsl]:n.一口;(食物)少量 a la:按…方式地 一起来看看这种吃饭不用摘的口罩吧:
阿萨夫·吉特利斯是阿提卡斯专利与发明部门的副总裁,他周一(5月18日)在特拉维夫附近的办公室展示这款口罩时说:“当叉子接近口罩时,口罩可以通过手动遥控或自动开启。” "Then you can eat, enjoy, drink and you take out the fork and it will be closed, and you're protected against the virus and other people sitting with you." “然后你就可以尽情地吃吃喝喝,叉子拿出来以后,口罩就会合上,用餐者就可以免受病毒感染,或者被身边的人传染上。” The company said it plans to start manufacturing the mask within months and had already submitted a patent. It said it would likely sell at a 3 to 10 shekel premium above the price of the simple pale blue medical masks many Israelis wear. 该公司表示,计划在几个月内开始生产这种口罩,并已申请了专利。这款口罩的售价可能比很多以色列人佩戴的普通蓝色医用口罩高出3至10谢克尔(约合人民币6至20元)。 premium[ˈpriːmiəm]:n.额外费用 Outside a Juice Bar in Tel Aviv, Reuters showed customers a cellphone video of the mask in action. Opinion was divided. 在特拉维夫一家果汁吧外,路透社向顾客们展示了一段佩戴这种口罩就餐的手机视频。人们对此看法不一。 "I think this mask, that enables me to eat while I'm still wearing it, is a must-have," said Ofir Hameiri, a 32-year-old graduate student. 32岁的研究生奥菲尔·哈迈尔说:“我认为很有必要佩戴这种口罩,这样吃东西的时候也能戴着口罩。” But eating an ice cream cone, Ron Silberstein, a 29-year-old musician, said: "I don't think this mask could hold this kind of ice cream - it's dripping all over. I wouldn't want to wear it afterward." 但是,29岁的音乐家罗恩·西尔伯斯坦在吃蛋卷冰淇淋时说:“我不认为戴着这种口罩能吃蛋卷冰淇淋——滴得到处都是,之后我也就不想戴了。” Israel has largely reopened its economy after a dramatic drop in cases of the novel coronavirus. Restaurants are open only for takeout for the time being. 在新型冠状病毒感染病例大幅下降后,以色列基本上重新开放了经济活动。餐馆暂时只提供外卖。 |