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Like many other Beijingers, Ji Lin takes the bus or subway, especially on days when his car is not allowed on roads under the capital's vehicle restriction scheme.
但有时他也难免有些尴尬。 But he said he feels awkward sometimes.

"Passengers who know me will nod and talk to me; others who know of me stare at me suspiciously until I nod to them," he said.

Ji, 47, is the executive vice-mayor of Beijing.

"They don't believe that I'd use public transport. In fact, Mayor Guo Jinlong and other municipal officials all use buses or the metro," Ji told China Daily in an exclusive interview.

作为一位公共交通的热心推动者。他积极倡议北京要建更多的地铁和公交线路,并且经常大讲公交的益处。有时,他会亲自指出沿途发现的一些问题,比如地铁站工作人员的服务态度,以及地铁某段线路上的噪音问题。 A campaigner for more subway lines and bus lanes in Beijing, Ji often shares with others the benefits of public transport. Occasionally, he helps fix the "problems" spotted en route, like the rude attitudes of some subway attendants and the noise pollution from cars near some sections of the rail.

Last June, Ji also accompanied his daughter to the annual national college entrance exams. While waiting with hundreds of other parents at the school gate, Ji said he was a bit nervous the night before, though he encouraged his daughter to keep calm herself for her papers.

Netizens responded with thousands of comments after a reporter uploaded the news with a photo. Many acknowledged Ji as a responsible father, while others questioned if the report was an attempt at generating publicity.

Still, others outside Beijing said they believed all the more in the fairness of the capital's national college entrance examination。

"I hope people can take such normal things for what they are," Ji said.

Ji also said it is normal to hear different voices on the Internet in this day and age.

Ji himself was a secretary of several committees of the Communist Youth League, a youth organization founded in 1922 under the Communist Party of China. 更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/

Compared with other youngsters, a young man working at the Youth League receives more education from the Party, he said.

Ji was promoted to Party chief of Beijing's Miyun county at the age of 36 in 1998, and elected as executive vice-mayor of Beijing in 2007.

With a master's degree in criminal law from the Renmin University of China and working experience as an associate professor at the university, Ji said his legal education has proved to be a lasting legacy for him. It has helped him form habits of abiding by the law and aiming for precision in work.


awkward 尴尬的
campaigner 活动推动者
en route 在途中
legacy 遗产, 遗赠物
suspiciously 猜疑地;疑心很深地
