奥普拉出手大方 向员工发福利
爱思英语编者按:名嘴奥普拉为庆祝其个人杂志《O》本月出版10周年纪念,决定慰劳员工,不论他们的年资,每人可获一万美元(约七万人民币)支票、一部iPad及绣名皮套,以答谢他们的辛劳及对工作的投入,出手认真阔绰!不过她的发言人并无透露受惠员工的数目。 奥普拉已非首次如此大手笔送礼,她04年便曾豪赠房车给其脱口秀节目的现场观众。 Talk show host Oprah Winfrey, known for regularly gifting valuable goodies to her employees and audience, has gifted every staff member at her 'O' magazine an Apple iPad and 10,000 dollars to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the publication. Staffers at 'O, The Oprah Magazine' also received a leather case engraved with the their initials. The iPad retails between 499-829 dollars. A spokeswoman for O's publisher Hearst said they were "personal gifts to the staff from Oprah to thank them for their hard work and dedication to the magazine". All staffers received the gift, regardless of how long they had worked at the magazine. The total number of staff members who received the gifts was not made immediately available. Billionaire Winfrey had in 2004 gifted a Pontiac car to every single member of her audience on the 22nd season of her talk show. She had also doled out all-expenses-paid vacations for her staff to exotic locales like the Mediterranean and Hawaii. 更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/ Winfrey, with a fortune estimated at USD 2.3 billion, is wrapping up her 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' in 2011 after 25 years to set up her own cable TV network. |