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Mid-Autumn Festival Poems


In the literary history of China, many poets penned praise to the pure moon of mid-autumn night and gave words to their delicate feelings. The following are some of the best of those poems.

Thoughts in the Silent Night
Li Bai
The moonlight is shinning through the window,
And it makes me wonder if it is the frost on the ground,
Looking up to see the moon ...
Looking down I miss so much about my hometown.

Li Bai used his lines to express his homesickness at the Moon Festival.

The Moon Festival
Su Shi
Bright moon, when was your birth?
Winecup in hand, I ask the deep blue sky;
Not knowing what year it is tonight
In those celestial palaces on high. I long to fly on the wind,
Yet dread those crystal towers, those courts of jade,
Freezing to death among those icy heights!
Instead I rise to dance with my pale shadow;
Better off, after all, in the world of men.
Rounding the red pavilion,
Stooping to look through gauze windows,
She shines on the sleepless.
The moon should know no sadness;
Why, then, is she always full when dear ones are parted?
For men the grief of parting, joy of reunion,
Just as the moon wanes and waxes, is bright or dim:
Always some flaw and so it has been since of old.
My one wish for you, is long life
And a share in this loveliness far, far away!
This is a famous Mid-Autumn lyric written for his brother Ziyou (1039-1112) when the poet was away from the imperial court. According to some commentators, "the palace on high" might allude to the imperial palace and therefore, after reading this lyric, Emperor Song Shenzong said that Su Shi was loyal.
