2023-12-06神秘兮兮 求我我就告诉你︰ Guess what! 你猜怎么着! I know something you don't know! 我知道一些你不知道的事情! Ask me what just happened. 你猜刚刚发生什么事。 Have I got news for you! 我有事...
2023-12-06语言本是人们沟通的工具,没有性别之分,但由于男女的社会分工、性格特色、生理特点不同,每一种语言都深深地打上了性别的烙印。在国外,有部分社会语言学家,专门研究语言与性别的关系。美国有一位学者Graham Goodwin,从1980年到1990年,先后十次,在费城街头,收集不同年龄、种族、职业的男、女行...
2023-12-06熊市和牛市 Bear market; Bull market大家可能都听说过股票市场上有熊市”和牛市”之说,前者表示空头市场”,而后者是行情看涨的市场”。那么为什么要用这两种动物来代表两种不同性质的市场呢?在证券交易中,bear的意思是卖空者,做空头者...
购物简明口语 Doing Shopping
2023-12-06这是多少钱?How much does this cost?我喜欢这个。I like this.我要买这个。I would like to take this one.有没有别的颜色?Do you have any other colors?我可以试穿这个吗?May I try this on?你可...
2023-12-06Best Wishes For You!Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New Year.祝好运、健康、佳肴伴你度过一个快乐新年。With best wishes for a happy New Year!祝新年快乐,并致...
Family Financial planning家庭理财
2023-12-06原文: Tracy and Jason, a couple, are talking about their financial planning[1]. B: Hi, honey, here's my last month's salary.A: Ok, darling. How ...
Using money wisely at school慎重花钱
2023-12-06原文: Gloria complains to Simon that she is spending money too fast. Simon offers her advice on[1] how to use money wisely. A: Simon, can you lend me 20...
Renting a apartment租房(6)
2023-12-065pt">招租广告广告一定要写的简单明了。如果想出租单间,就是 single roomfor rent,如果想出租套房,就是studio apartment,如果是住家,则是apartment或者是house。关于招租广告的书写,请大家参考第一部分内容。2. 看好了招租广告,下一步就...
Renting a apartment租房(5)
2023-12-064.房东抱怨说the noise you've been making is unbearable.你制造的噪音让人无法忍受。make noise, 制造噪音。unbearable, 让人无法忍受的。那么这句话还可以说成,I can't bear the noise you'...
Renting a apartment租房(4)
2023-12-06@?纾?/span>I'll take care of the cleaning this week. 这周我来负责打扫。 Dialogue Script 2对话原文 2Li: And we'd like for you to leave the apartment just ...