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Renting a apartment租房(5)


4.房东抱怨说the noise you've been making is unbearable.你制造的噪音让人无法忍受。make noise, 制造噪音。unbearable, 让人无法忍受的。那么这句话还可以说成,I can't bear the noise you've been making.


6.Sam又说可能是从房东邻居那传来的,反正他没有听见任何噪音。房东很不耐烦,Anyway, just tame it down! 你小声一点就是了!看来房东和房客相处的不是很好啊。 

Dialogue Script 2 对话原文 2 

Sam: Hi, Ms Li. Come on in! How do you like it? I've redone the whole place!
Li: Oh, my goodness... It's so beautiful.
Sam: Interior design is my hobby, so...
Li: So that explains the noise and the strangers...
Sam: Yep. Putting in hardwood floors is noisy. The music was t o cover up the noise.
Li: I see. So what about the rent?
Sam: Here you go. I was meaning to get it to you. I'm sorry it's late.
Li: That's OK. But why didn't you tell me before?
Sam: I couldn't stand the apartment the way it was-so bland.
Li: And you were afraid I wouldn't allow it, right?
Sam: Yeah, I wanted to wait. I knew that when you saw the finished product, you'd like it.
Li: Like it? Actually I'm thinking about asking if you'd switch the apartment with us!


1.对话中Ms.Li又来找Sam,Sam很热情的欢迎了她,他说Hi, Ms Li. Come on in! Come on in! 在口语当中也很常用,比Come in! 还要热情一些。 

2.Sam把房子重新装饰过了,I've redone the whole place! redone是redo的过去分词,表示“改装,重新做”。他问Ms. Li喜不喜欢,How do you like it? 大家要记住这个问法。 

3.Ms. Li大吃一惊,Oh, my goodness... It's so beautiful. 啊,我的天哪,真是太漂亮了。看来她是非常喜欢改装过后的房子。my goodness, 用来表示感叹语气。 

4.室内设计是Sam的嗜好,Interior design is my hobby. interior design室内设计。房东现在明白了为什么Sam会制造这么多噪音了,So that explains the noise and the strangers... it explains something,这就解释了...这就是...的原因了。例如:That explains why he was late this morning.这就是他今天早上迟到的原因了。 

5.Putting in hardwood floors is noisy. The music was to cover up the noise. 铺实木地板会很吵,音乐是为了盖住噪音。put in hardwood floor, 铺实木地板。但是Sam房租还没交,So what about the rent? 那房租呢? 

6.Sam很痛快的交了房租,并因为没有及时交房租而道歉。房东问为什么不早告诉她,Sam 说I couldn't stand the apartment the way it was-so bland. 我受不了公寓原先的样子,太单调了。bland,“乏味的, 单调的”。 

7.因为房东开始的时候并不同意房客随意改变房间的样子,所以Sam不敢事先告诉Ms. Li。Sam知道,当房东看到成品后会非常喜欢的,the finished product,成品,最终产品,这里指被改装了的公寓。 

8.Like it? Actually I'm thinking about asking if you'd switch the apartment with us! 喜欢?我正想问你愿不愿意跟我们换公寓住呢。Ms. Li不仅仅是喜欢被改装的公寓,而是疯狂地爱上了它的室内设计,还想跟Sam换呢。看来Sam的设计很成功。

9.Notes for the LLs and Tenants 房东房客必读
