Renting a apartment租房(4)
@?纾?/span>I'll take care of the cleaning this week. 这周我来负责打扫。 Dialogue Script 2对话原文 2 Li: And we'd like for you to leave the apartment just the way it is. 讲解: 1.这段对话中主要是口头上的租房协议。房东的要求是we'd like for you to leave the apartment just the way it is. 我们希望你能保持公寓原来的样子。 2.Sam问,You mean I can't make any changes? 你是说我不能做任何的改变吗?make changes,做出改变。 3.房东说 Little changes are OK, but please don't drill too many holes in the wall. 小的变动还可以,但是不要在墙上钻太多洞。 4.现在如果没有问题的话,就可以签租房协议了。I'm ready to sign the contract. 我准备好要签协议了。be ready to do something, 准备好做某事。或者是be ready for something, 例如:We're ready for dinner. 我们准备好吃晚饭了。 5.Sam还带来了自己的印章,印章是chop,Ms. Li还夸他很懂中国的文化。 8.Getting Along With the LL 与房东相处 Dialogue Script 1 对话原文 1 Sam: Who is it? 讲解: 1.对话中Ms. Li说Sam太吵了,一点也不安静,所以来找他算帐。keep the noise down. 别制造那么多的噪音,就是安静一点。 2.当Ms. Li敲Sam的房门的时候,他刚刚洗完澡,I just got out of the shower! 那I'm in a shower.就是我正在洗澡。现在还不能来开门,I can't answer the door right now! answer这个词可以是接听电话,answer the phone,也可以是answer the door ,去开门。 3.Ms. Li想跟Sam谈谈关于那些客人和音乐的事,可能是来访的客人很多,音乐声音放的很大,影响到了别人。但是Sam隔着门听不见房东说话,说半个小时后再谈。房东很生气,说Y ou'd better. 你最好过来,言外之意就是如果你不过来的话,就跟你没完? |