
  • 藏 龙乌”功超群,别具慧眼的你要留意这段藏龙”卧虎的情景对话呦!Wu: I know, I know, but she’s so jealous! She always says I make eyes at Betty, my secretary. She th...

  • 藏 龙乌”功超群,别具慧眼的你要留意这段藏龙”卧虎的情景对话呦!Wu: Lazy worm, wake up. You fell asleep in class again.懒虫,醒醒。你上课又睡着了。Friend: Study begins tomorrow.我从明天开始努...

  • 藏 龙乌”功超群,别具慧眼的你要留意这段藏龙”卧虎的情景对话呦! Friend: That’s because I was a little nervous, you know. You are no better than me. Don’t you...

  • 藏 龙乌”功超群,别具慧眼的你要留意这段藏龙”卧虎的情景对话呦! Friend: You know I couldn’t get up so early. I surfed the Internet until midnight last night. I am ...

  • 爱思英语编者按:临近开学,女大学生意外出事的消息频频传来,从失踪到被害,不仅让家长心痛难忍,更牵动了无数人的心。对每个女生而言,学会自我防范是自我保护的第一步。而面对具体情况,我们要如何应对呢?Women tell their stories女大学生现身说法三种危险情况如何自我防范?A few da...

  • 20 Things to Start Doing in Your RelationshipsFamily isn’t always blood. They’re the people in your life who appreciate having you in thei...

  • 爱思英语编者按:大多数人要么不敢开口提这个要求,要么不擅长跟老板谈判。实际上,在向老板要求加薪时,有很多方法可以帮你提高成功率。Dear Annie: The article that appeared on your site about Gen Y women closing the pay g...

  • Clank your perseverance and hard bone is an example I will never, I learned from there to exert your strength, through frustration, to success, Dad, y...

  • 乌a龙 His secretary is a yes-man.yes-man乌”解:总说yes的人正 解:唯唯诺诺的人,对上级唯命是从的人句 意:他的秘书是个唯唯诺诺的应声虫。乌b龙 He is a white-haired boy of the General Manager.whit...

  • 藏 龙乌”功超群,别具慧眼的你要留意这段藏龙”卧虎的情景对话呦!Friend: What a pity! You work so hard. I think you deserve the promotion.太遗憾了!你工作这么努力,我想你应该得到晋升。Wu: Are yo...

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